Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Unable to Save New Changes - Adobe...

Everytime I change anything, whether inserting text or deleting a character and then try and save or finish it pops

up with an error message saying that the content contains unnalowed tags or dynamic code. i'm pretty new at this, Can anyone help?

Unable to Save New Changes - Adobe...

Hello Chris,

Please post the URL for the page you're working with. I'll take a look at what elements are within the editable region that might be causing the error with InContext Editing.

For more information on the elements/tags which are forbidden within InContext Editing editable regions, refer to the FAQ: http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php?title=InContext_Editing#Known_issues_and_li mitations and the Browser Help section on InContext Editing browser error messages: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/InContextEditing/BrowserHelp/

Best regards,


Unable to Save New Changes - Adobe...

its happens with every page but heres the main one


Customer just reported the same problem: www.playnation3.com/swingsets.php Error: ''cross-domain editing not allowed''. It worked until a couple of days ago and we did not make any changes.

Hello Chris,

It looks like the problem has been resolved with your updated page. I was able to copy the source code, edit and publish the page. It appears the error you were seeing is caused by the comment you have within the editable region. The anchor tag inside of the comment caused the error. You don't have this comment in the newest version of your page.

I should let you know that the way you have your editable region setup is not really the best way to ensure your your page formatting remains intact. You have the editable region wrapping arround multiple elements including navigation links, divs and tables, have have inline styles applied to many of these elements. If your client edits these elements, they may not be able to get them back.

The best way to setup your regions is to be very specific about the content regions which your client is allowed to edited.

Best regards,


Hello weblinkstudio,

When does your client receive this error (entering edit mode, saving edits)? Do you receive the same error?

Are there anymore details in the error message?

Best regards,


I understand that it is when he tries to save his edits. I could not verify his problems because I was locked out completely from all my accounts, including the administrator panel.

Update: Today the service started?working again without us making any changes whatsoever (well, I reverified my e-mail address). I assume it was a system glitch yesterday.

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