Friday, March 26, 2010

Layer/tablet glitches

Alright, I've been having some issues with Adobe Photoshop Elements on my new Dell laptop. It's not the laptop, and I don't think it's the tablet, but it's really frustrating. I have an art portfolio to finish by October and I need this to work, or else I can't finish my portfolio.

Here are the issues I've having;

- Whenever I open up a new layer...this weird colourful graph/grid type thing pops up? It's really annoying and I know it's not normal at all.

- If I draw a line with my tablet, it also glitches up. It's not smooth at all, and it sometimes breaks. All the settings for the line are fine (hardness at %100, spacing at %0....) I usually have to refresh before the line shows up how I want it to.

So, help for this would be wonderful. I really need to get my work done.

Thanks so much!

Layer/tablet glitches

Are you sure you have the latest tablet driver?

Layer/tablet glitches

Yup -- just downloaded it last night, same things are happening.

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