Sunday, March 28, 2010

banner ad wont take me to link

I'm frustrated...!?Have created the banner, have a btn layer, have the actions layer on top, have the syntax which I copied from another question on the forum, action script 2, Flash CS3, it publishes ok, plays, have the hand to show up and I can click to my hearts content but it's not taking me where I want to go!!?On my website, have a folder with the fla, swf and html files in it together..

What on earth am I doing wrong?

The website is you can see it playing, and I attached the fla files.?Can someone help me please?? It's probably something stupid and simple that I'm just not seeing....

ok.. adobe will NOT let me attach the fla file... grr....... what now Adobe????

banner ad wont take me to link


First place the getURl code on the Button


onRelease = function ()
?getURL('''', ''_blank'');

Then check within the flash.

when testing the movie click on the banner, will open a browser pointing to the url.

When embedding the movie please add aan attribute allowscriotaccess= always


banner ad wont take me to link

You are referring to an instance named ''usps.inv_btn'' but your button does not have that instance name. In fact, it has no instance name at all.

Not sure why you have the ''usps'' involved there but to simplify:

inv_btn.onRelease = function ()
?getURL('''', ''_blank'');

Then give your invisible button the same instance name... ''inv_btn''.


here for as3

function eventResponse(event:MouseEvent):void {
?var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest('''');
?navigateToURL(url, ''_blank'');

myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, eventResponse);

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