Sunday, March 28, 2010

Images don't show up in browser once...

I posted a question a couple of weeks ago, that we all thought was answered but after re-defining my site and after following the instructions from Nancy O. from the link below, I found that the images still don't show up.?I don't know how to fix this? I really need some assistance.?I purchased this template online and just edited the pages and renamed them to fit my site.?I don't know if it is something within the template or not, when I published one of the non-edited pages from the site the images did not show up on that either.?Could somebody take a look at it and tell me what they think??The link is below:




Images don't show up in browser once...

It's your external stylesheets that aren't showing up - did you upload them? In the right place?

Images don't show up in browser once...

I don't see any IMG references in your source code other than to the big logo. Where or what are they?

Could be background images referenced in the css. Showing us the stylesheet might help - uploading it will help more

Well here is the link to they style sheet, maybe this will tell you what the problem is and how I fix it.?This came with the template when I purchased it.?I don't know anything about how to use to style sheets so hopefully there is an easy fix to it. Thank you


Thanks - please avoid duplicating the http:// or your links don't work. It's work-roundable though.

I guess that link doesn't work correctly so try this one

Thank you

Yes, there are images in that style sheet. Now to find out why it's not being called by your page. (layout.css is needed too)

Here's the code in your page calling the stylesheets:

%26lt;link href=''style.css'' rel=''stylesheet'' type=''text/css'' /%26gt;
%26lt;link href=''layout.css'' rel=''stylesheet'' type=''text/css'' /%26gt;

and the link you provided suggests that at least one is in the root of your site, which is correct.

Nevertheless, the main page of your site isn't calling the style sheets. Hmmm.

Do you have any suggestions???? Does anyone have any suggestions??? Thank you

It's fixed! Maybe there was a glitch or time delay in the css arriving.

I just refreshed the page and it was all there.

How did that happen? Do you know how to get my divider columns to float properly?

1 Just a time delay.

2 Separate issue - I suggest you start a new thread for that.

There are no links to your style sheet in your

code. The other person who responded seems to have the right answer.

BTW, all of your URL references, both here and in

your post, have an extra HTTP:// in front of

them. Try leaving it out when you type a

reference link; I think the Adobe web site is

already putting one in when it detects a web page reference.

The links *are* there, I quoted them. And it's working now after a delay in the css files showing up.

Try leaving it out when you type a

reference link; I think the Adobe web site is

already putting one in when it detects a web page reference.

Thanks?for your help.

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