Sunday, March 28, 2010

Robohelp error causes font change

Hello. RoboHelp crashed on me earlier today. I got the infamous ''Adobe Robohelp 7 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the invonvenience'' message.

When I went back into the project, all of my fonts were Times New Roman instead of Arial, and links and some images were gone. I looked at the template, and it is correct (with Arial font). I suppose I could reapply the template to each of the hundreds of topics, but if anyone knows a better way, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Robohelp error causes font change

Hi there

My guess is that you simply need to re-associate your CSS file to the topics.

Just select all the topics in the Topic List pod, then right-click and examine the properties. Once there you should find the .CSS file.

Cheers... Rick

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Robohelp error causes font change

It's easy to connect multiple topics to a template, or in your case, to reconfirm that connection.

In View / Pods / Topic List, you can mass update as many topics as you want to reattach them to the correct template.

Select all the topics you want to edit, then right click to open the right click menu. Select Properties, then select the correct Template on the General tab. Click on Apply first, let the template reassign, then click on OK to save your changes.

Thanks to both of you. You were right about the style sheet and templates. All the fonts are correct now. I have lost a few images, but I still have them on my PC, so they are easy to reinsert. Thanks again for saving me a lot of time.


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