Friday, March 26, 2010

Scrollbar inside an mc question

I have a scrollbar that I customize and reuse. So far everytime I re used the scroll I copied the?layers to the main timeline and I just re did the dimensions colors etc. I need to use the scrollbar again but this time it needs to be inside a movieclip. I know I need to change the path of the AS but I'm not sure how to re write the code.

the original AS file has an mc called ''control'' with the following AS

y = getProperty(''_root.text.content'', _y);
if (y%26gt;10) {
} else {
setProperty(''_root.text.content'', _y, y+15);


I have the layers of the scroll inside a new mc called (newscroll_mc)

How do I write the AS in the get property?

and also there are two other frames with GoToandPlay's

do I leave them the way they are?

any help?


Scrollbar inside an mc question

Sorry, I see more AS so rather than post it all I have the small fla in the attached.

All I need to do is to put the scrollbar inside a movieclip and get it to work.

fla is here d00

Scrollbar inside an mc question

Below is the AS for the original up btn

on (rollOver) {
tellTarget (''control'') {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
tellTarget (''control'') {

the control mc was on the main timeline, now it is inside a movieclip called ''scrollclipnew_mc''

how do I code the Tell targets?


on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {


Thx for the AS tried but the scroll still doesn't work, I pmed you the .flas


i generally don't download and correct files unless i'm hired.

check your paths/instance names using the trace() function.

Yes I understand and actually after looking around the AS I used the _parent path and eventually got it to work.



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