Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trying to link a thumbnail in one frame...


I am using Adobe Golive 9.

I found a tutorial on the internet that allows you to create an image gallery with clickable thumbnails humbnails.php

However, the tutorial is designed for a page without frames.

I want to be able to do this using frames.

I want to link a thumbnail on a page in one frame to a larger image on another page, so that when your mouse is over the thumbnail,

the larger version appears in the other frame.

This is what my frames look like so you get an idea of what I'm trying to do

And here is a picture of the thumbnail in the lower frame and the larger image in the frame above it.

Could someone please give me STEP BY STEP instructions on how to do this??I'm new to Golive, using version GOLIVE 9, and I know this can be accomplished using ''Set Image URL''?but have no idea how to do it.

Thank you for your help all.


Trying to link a thumbnail in one frame...

A link in one frame is designed to call another page into some other frame, not an image. You can't use SetImageUrl across different pages. You'd probably have to put each of your large images on a page, and call each page each time. I'm not sure why you're so set on using frames, they have many disadvantages.

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