Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another user unable to retrieve...

I've got a PDF form that I created in Acrobat 9 and distributed through Acrobat.com.

I'd like another user to be in charge of retreiving new responses for that form, but they're unable to do so.

Here's the workflow:

User1 creates form, distributes through Acrobat.com

User1 opens up the name_responses.pdf file in Acrobat and can click on the ''Update'' button in the top left corner and is able to get new responses that have been submitted to Acrobat.com

User1 gives permission to the name_responses.pdf file to User2 and askes User2 to check that file every day for new responses.

User2 opens up name_responses.pdf and sees that the ''Update'' button in the top left corner is disabled - it's greyed out.

User2 tells User1 that they can't get responses.

User1 opens the file and is able to get responses just fine.

User2 opens the file again, but nope - they can't get responses.

I added the Acrobat.com login information into the Edit-%26gt;Preferences-%26gt;Acrobat.com page within Acrobat for User2, but that doesn't help.

How can I get User2 to be able to retreive responses for a form that User1 distributed?

Another user unable to retrieve...

I am having a similar problem except I have upgraded my computer and can't get the responses to my forms.

Another user unable to retrieve...

Please post in the Acrobat.com forum.


Why in the world should I post in the Acrobat.com forum about an issue with Acrobat?
The Acrobat.com forums have the following areas:

Connectivity and login issues96
Converting files online to PDF with Acrobat.com328
Sending and sharing files269
Storing your files61
Acrobat.com on Adobe AIR庐25
Adobe Buzzword庐313
Adobe ConnectNow301

Is it connectivity and login issues?聽 Nope, I can connect and log in just fine.

Is it converting files online to PDF?聽 Nope, I'm trying to retrieve responses to a form hosted at Acrobat.com.

Is it sending and sharing files?聽 Nope.

Is it storing my files?聽 Nope.

Does it have anything to do with AIR?聽 Nope.

Buzzword?聽 Nope.

ConnectNow?聽 Nope.

Which area in the Acrobat.com forum would you suggest I ask about why Acrobat won't let me retrieve responses?

That's absolutely horrible!聽 I'm terribly sorry, seriously - that's messed up.

When I read about the new form features of Acrobat 9 I thought they were amazing.聽 Now that I'm actually using it I can't wait to get away from it.聽 What were they thinking making it so difficult to compile responses?聽 Yikes.

Some of the problem my be related to the Edit %26gt; Preferences %26gt; Identity of User2 since this is different than User1. Have you tried making these entries the same for both User1 and User2? It's probably not a great idea having the same Identity but it may serve as a workaround.

Yes, I've made everything on bothe the Preferences-%26gt;Identity page and the Preferences-%26gt;Acrobat.com page the same.

Note that the Preferences-%26gt;Identity page has a ''username'' property which is read-only.聽 That, obviously, is different between users.

I have made the identity and the Acrobat.com preferences the same as well, except for the login name because we just changed servers as well (after this problem occured) and that is my network login name and yes it is read only, cant change it if I wanted to.聽聽聽 I can still open tracker on the old machine and get the responses but not on my new machine.聽 There is an article in the help section about adding reviewers but my tracker does no thave the options that are shown in the help section to add reviewers.... go figure.

Maybe I should change orver to google docs, they have a form submission that works similar to Acrobat, just not as professional looking, but at least it works. Maybe some one from Adobe will chime in.

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