Tuesday, March 30, 2010

addToCreationQueue Error

Hey guys,

?I this is a strange error.?Everything seemed to have been work and now out of no where I get the following error.

addToCreationQueue called but method does not exist within application

I can figure out why this is the case.

in my main.mxml I have something like this




%26lt;mx:ViewStack width=''100%'' height=''100%'' id=''page'' creationPolicy=''queued'' change=''updateURL()''%26gt;
?%26lt;local:HomeView id=''homePage'' name=''Home'' label=''Home'' height=''100%'' width=''100%''
?showEffect=''WipeDown'' hideEffect=''WipeUp'' icon=''@Embed(source='assets/Home.png')''
?%26lt;local:AboutView id=''aboutPage'' name=''About'' label=''About'' height=''100%'' width=''100%''
showEffect=''WipeDown'' hideEffect=''WipeUp'' icon=''@Embed(source='assets/Preppy.png')''


I did some googleling and found a bug report open from previous release, but was fixed.?I am working if this bug has re-appeard in 4?

Please let, I can't proceed further without fixing this issue.

Thank you


set up data base to accept submitted...

I have developed a form in Live Cycle ES and need to put it on our website for people to register for a conference.?I used a ''submit by email'' button at the bottom and when I tested it, the email comes to me as an attachment in a Macromedia Dreamweaver file.?Is that because I don't have a database set up for it to go into?

How do I set up the data base to accept the submitted forms?

  • beauty tips
  • Exporting ID files to Data Management...

    I have a client that uses Fringe Facts, a data management software.?I'm on a Mac and they are on a Vista PC. I need to provide Indesign files for them to import into Fringe Facts and then they produce a PDF file for high end printing.

    I am now providing RGB jpegs, saved as 300 pdi. They aren't able to import CMYK files, and can only import bmp, emf, gif, jpeg or wmf.


    The text in the booklet is soft, not as sharp as that I can produce straight from Indesign. Is there some way that I should be supplying files of pages to them that would keep the quality very high? I'm not sure if it's even on my end or not.

    Would you to see a sample?

    Thank you.

    Exporting ID files to Data Management...

    Jpgs are raster images, and that's what will happen to the text. If you're limited to the file formats described, you could test exporting to eps and converting to wmf or emf

    (search online for ''eps to wmf'' or ''eps to emf'' converter)

    To get the text to look good it needs to stay a vector, so those are your only file options.

    Fringe Facts clearly isn't meant for ''high end'' printing, so I doubt there's a perfect solution. I'll bet you'll have to keep the design fairly basic (no drop shadows or transparencies) to get the files to work. I've never tried to create a wmf or emf file on purpose, so who knows what the final final will look like.

    Slideshow in CS

    In GL CS, I'd like an automatic slideshow of nine images on my website (never done a slideshow before). Following GoLive CS Help for SlideShow and SlideShowAuto, I placed the first image. It then says:

    ''...enter a unique alphanumeric name in the More tab of the Image Inspector. Trigger the SlideShow action with a user-triggered or timeline-triggered event, or trigger the SlideShowAuto action with a user-triggered or timeline-triggered event, or with a browser-triggered event set to OnLoad. Choose Action %26gt; Multimedia %26gt; SlideShow or SlideShowAuto. From the Base Image menu, choose the starting image. For # of Images, enter the total number of images in the slide show.''

    I don't see where to enter an alphanumeric name in the More tab, nor do I see where to trigger an event. I also don't know where to find Choose Action %26gt;, etc, or where the Base Image menu is.

    Would appreciate some help!

    Slideshow in CS

    I never had CS, I use CS2 so I'm wary of going into too much detail in case things have moved around and I might confuse you. But with the image selected, the Inspector should have a More tab where you can enter a name, you trigger the action by making a text link set to #, and when selecting that link you can look in the Actions palette for the action you want. Maybe that will give you some clues. If not, post back and I'll show you how it's done in CS2.

    Slideshow in CS

    Kath, thanks for your help. I just found this tutorial for a basic slideshow in GoLive. Not sure of the version, but it looks similar (albeit PC). I'll run through that first and then if I need to, look further here.


    Ok, I got things going pretty well. http://www.greenmountainpetportraits.com/index.html

    The only thing I'd like to have is an automatically triggered event when the page appears, not a user one. It looks like that can happen where the instruction is the browser-triggered event set to OnLoad. How is that done?

    I figured it out by setting up a Body action where the triggering event became On Parse (browser triggered) instead of Mouse Click.

    Divider columns do not float properly

    I have to two divider columns on my site and one is upposed to be floating left and one right when I look at the published page either divider column box is floating - how do I get them to float properly??Thanks

    Divider columns do not float properly

    Vague descriptions don't tell us the entire story.?We need to see your live page. I don't know what ''properly'' means.?Please upload page and files to remote server and post a URL to your site.?The answers are in your code.

    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design %26amp; Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media?Specialists

    Divider columns do not float properly

    First thought - do they have a width declared? They should, to float properly.

    Here is a link to the page that is on the site I hope this helps.


    Yes, they do because it was a purchased template so everything was set.?I just copy and pasted them into new pages as I went.

    Sorry you paid money for that CSS template. ?It's kind of overkill for such a simple layout.

    Read about clearing floats here:


    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design %26amp; Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media?Specialists

    Well I didn't pay too much for it, thankfully.?Thanks for the information I will read the info from the link you provided.

    quick movements mess up my variables

    I have an interactive map with multiple hotspots on it.?When the user mouses over a hotspot (Button) a value is assigned to a variable (country).?The actionscript (AS2) is also told to go to a frame performing a close sequence on the currently open animation.

    so if userA has moused over Brazil the following AS is on the Brazil button:

    on(rollOver) {
    ?if(country != 'brazil') {
    ?gotoAndPlay(country+'-close');?//goes to closing sequence for currently selected country
    ?var country = 'brazil';

    once the timeline hits the last frame of the close sequence the following AS is on the last frame of the sequence:


    (each country has a frame labeled for it on the timeline with an opening/hold/closing frame sequence.)

    my problem arises if a user mouses over one country and in the middle of the 3 frame opening/closing sequence they quickly mouse over another country, it seems like the variables get 'screwed up.'?the variable appears to lag, so when the user mouses over countryA, then countryB to countryC very quickly, countryB will be highighted and remain highlighted until i mouse over countryA again (and then it will go to countryC).?[i know this is a bit confusing, but hopefully it makes sense to someone else]

    does anyone have any suggestions on how to eliminate this issue??i only have 5 regions, and the file size of the swf is small (160kB), so I dont understand the lagging and breaking.

    thanks in advance for any help.

    (i've attached the exported swf file so you can see what i'm rambling about)

    Unable to Save New Changes - Adobe...

    Everytime I change anything, whether inserting text or deleting a character and then try and save or finish it pops

    up with an error message saying that the content contains unnalowed tags or dynamic code. i'm pretty new at this, Can anyone help?

    Unable to Save New Changes - Adobe...

    Hello Chris,

    Please post the URL for the page you're working with. I'll take a look at what elements are within the editable region that might be causing the error with InContext Editing.

    For more information on the elements/tags which are forbidden within InContext Editing editable regions, refer to the FAQ: http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php?title=InContext_Editing#Known_issues_and_li mitations and the Browser Help section on InContext Editing browser error messages: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/InContextEditing/BrowserHelp/

    Best regards,


    Unable to Save New Changes - Adobe...

    its happens with every page but heres the main one


    Customer just reported the same problem: www.playnation3.com/swingsets.php Error: ''cross-domain editing not allowed''. It worked until a couple of days ago and we did not make any changes.

    Hello Chris,

    It looks like the problem has been resolved with your updated page. I was able to copy the source code, edit and publish the page. It appears the error you were seeing is caused by the comment you have within the editable region. The anchor tag inside of the comment caused the error. You don't have this comment in the newest version of your page.

    I should let you know that the way you have your editable region setup is not really the best way to ensure your your page formatting remains intact. You have the editable region wrapping arround multiple elements including navigation links, divs and tables, have have inline styles applied to many of these elements. If your client edits these elements, they may not be able to get them back.

    The best way to setup your regions is to be very specific about the content regions which your client is allowed to edited.

    Best regards,


    Hello weblinkstudio,

    When does your client receive this error (entering edit mode, saving edits)? Do you receive the same error?

    Are there anymore details in the error message?

    Best regards,


    I understand that it is when he tries to save his edits. I could not verify his problems because I was locked out completely from all my accounts, including the administrator panel.

    Update: Today the service started?working again without us making any changes whatsoever (well, I reverified my e-mail address). I assume it was a system glitch yesterday.

    Stop timer

    I have this code to time out my Flash movie and go to a URL


    var jumpTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000);

    jumpTimer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, jump);

    function jump(event:TimerEvent):void {
    ?navigateToURL(new URLRequest(''http://www.yahoo.com''));


    The only problem is that it opens a new URL window every five seconds. How can I get it to time out after 5 seconds, go to the URL and then stop before it opens another URL window?


    Stop timer

    if you just want to call that listener function once, use:


    var jumpTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000,1);

    jumpTimer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, jump);

    function jump(event:TimerEvent):void {
    ?navigateToURL(new URLRequest(''http://www.yahoo.com''));


    Stop timer

    PERFECT!?I was wondering what that number after the comma was for.


    you're welcome.

  • beauty tips
  • How can I recover my Catalog?

    I lost my hard drive and my backup drives.?I paid to have my hard drive recovered to a new external drive. I have purchased a new PC and reinstalled Photshop Elements 7.0.?I recovered my pictures.?How can I copy my catalog files from the data they restored for me to my new PC??What are the files I need to copy and where are they??I have 7 years worth of data.?Any help would be appreciated.

    How can I recover my Catalog?

    If you were using PSE7 before the crash, your catalog file(s) are *.pse7db. Search for those and copy them to the new PC.

    As long as we're on the subject, you are going to start making regular backups of your photos and catalog file now, aren't you? You narrowly missed losing all your pictures this time; don't get caught without backups again.

    How can I recover my Catalog?

    Excellent, thank you so much.?Yes I will be doing regular backups.?I actually had two Maxtor External hard drives backing up my PC and both went within 5 weeks.?Then while following the instructions from Seagate to diagnose my external drive絧roblems, I took a head crash on my C:絛rive.?Gillware recovered it at a reasonable price.

    Thanks again, I絯ill work on it tonight.

    So far I have not found anything searching on *.pse7db or *. pse *db.?I had version 5 before I upgraded to 7.?I first started searching in my Photoshop Elements 7.0 folder, but now I am searching my entire drive.?Any suggestions?

    I don't have PSE7 so I don't know where the file is stored. It might also depend on your operating system. Someone else probably can tell you, or it may be that you have to search Adobe's web site.

    See this tech note for locations of the PSE 7 catalog:


    Make sure that you've configured Windows Explorer to show hidden files.

    Thank you very much.?The information you provided me, allowed me to locate my catalog file in紺:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Catalogs on my recovered drive.?I did not expect it to be in 'all users' .?The catalog file name is My Catalog. psa .?I have copied it to the same folder on my new PC.?I絘m making good progress, but still絟aving some issues.I will work on it tomorrow, and絟ope to get them all絯orked out.?Thanks again!

    Thank you!?It worked.?In my first attempt, I went絫o the wrong location and copied my old Catalog from Version 5 of Photoshop 紼lements.?I read all of the instructions carefully this morning, and discovered that Version 7 stored the紺atalog in a different location.?Therefore I went to 紺:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\ Photoshop Elements \Catalogs\My Catalog and copied everything絠n My Catalog,給n my recovered drive, to the same location on my new PC.?I opened Photoshop Elements 7, and it worked.?All of my Catalog entries, Tags, etc. were there.?Case closed.?It is easy when you do it right.?Thanks again.?This is my first experience using a forum and it was a life saver.

    One other mistake I made was絚hoosing a different account name on my new PC.Because the account name is part of the path,絝or example C:\Documents and Settings\Karl Johnson\My Documents\My Pictures, I had to go back to my old account name.?(I thought I would shorten it from Karl Johnson to Karl but I had to change it back.)

    Images in Spry menu blank in IE

    I have a website with a spry drop down menu. It appears perfect in Safari and Firefox, but the image areas are blank in IE. Any help?

    Images in Spry menu blank in IE


    Down at the bottom of the sprymenubarhorizontal.css (or if vertical, look for the same type ofthing at the bottom of the css document)?do you still have this text?:


    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert

    ******************************************************************************* /

    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
    ?position: absolute;
    ?z-index: 1010;
    ?list-style-type: none;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
    ?ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
    ?display: inline;
    ?f\loat: left;
    ?background: #FFF;
    ?list-style-type: none;

    Hope this helps.



    [svn:fx-trunk] 8689: * Committing...

    Revision: 8689

    Author: preilly@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-07-20 12:06:08 -0700 (Mon, 20 Jul 2009)

    Log Message:


    • Committing customer patch.

    tests Passed: checkintests

    Needs QA: YES

    Needs DOC: NO

    Bug fixes: SDK-20569

    API Change: NO

    Reviewer: me

    Is noteworthy for integration: No

    Code-level description of changes:








    Removed adding of the SourcePath to the thread local path



    Modified compile() to add the SourcePath to the thread local path


    Ticket Links:



    Modified Paths:










    Application variable limits?

    I want to use an application variable as a list,but the length of the list could be very long and it's a variable number of entries in the list.?

    The docs say strings can be as large as server memory will allow.?Is there any limit beyond server memory for application variables?


    Application variable limits?

    If it's a variable number, are you sure that application is the appropriate scope?

    Application variable limits?

    I agree with Dan whole-heartedly,?Application variables should be pretty static. but of greater concern: If you are worried about server memory being a problem, would it be better/possible to store your variable in a database?

    On the flipside - ''test it'' create a big couple gig application variable and see what happens


    I would counsel putting that big list into a database table ... or even, a file.

    What you could then store, in the Application (or some other) variable-pool, is a reference ... a moniker ... a handle ... to the proper list of information, so that at the appropriate time the correct information can be inserted into the outgoing page.

    PS CS4 Can't see the filters previews.

    I am using Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, I already updated to Ver. 11.0.1

    My problem is that when I open the filters, like ''Unsharp Mask'' the window that shows the filter preview

    doesn't show anything, it remains blank. This is happening with all the filters that have previews. My OS

    is Windows XP SP3.

    How can I fix this problem?.

    PS CS4 Can't see the filters previews.

    Are you on the right layer?

    PS CS4 Can't see the filters previews.

    Yes, when I try I am on the right layer...

    What type of image 閳?format, mode, etc?

    might be connected to OpenGL, try disabling OpenGL Drawing from Edit-%26gt;Preferences-%26gt;Performance and/or update your video card drivers

    Open in Library Module

    When I open a different catalog it opens in the module I am currently in, say the print module.

    Is there a way to open all the time in Library module?

    Thanks, Jim

    Open in Library Module

    It opens in the last module by design and I don't see that changing any time soon. So, if you want it to open into the Library module you'll need to remember to close it while in the Library module.

    Open in Library Module



    ''bringing the outside in''

    Low Impact Wildlife Photography

    The Jim Stamates Collection




    ''In The Rhythm'' Blog


  • beauty tips
  • automate Action overriding export step

    I have recorded a set of actions that I am automating for a few images. At the end I recorded the export and close steps (I records Save For Web - PNG 24 settings). The issue is that the script overrides each image once it's saved.

    How can I run the image editing part of the script, and then insure that each file is being exported seperatly with a different name? Should I have not recorded the export part of the script?

    automate Action overriding export step

    Use File-%26gt;Save As instead of the Save for Web %26amp; Devices command because the Batch command has problems with it (it sees the SFW command as an export command so it can't overwrite the save location)

    automate Action overriding export step

    thanks.?I just tried that and it's still using the ''test.jpg'' name I give the recorded sample and then overwrites all automated images.

    Do I need to run an image process Action and then run a Save As Action afterwards?

    It looks like under File %26gt; Batch... that the files will be given a different 'starting Serial #' to differentiate.

    Under my Save recorded action I have:

    As: JPEG

    Quality: 9

    Matte: none

    In: file name.test.jpg

    This makes each image get replaced, how can I correct that?

    sorry about that, forgot to add that you also have to have the Override Action ''Save As'' Commands checkbox selected

    [svn:fx-trunk] 8688: * Two small fixes.

    Revision: 8688

    Author: preilly@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-07-20 11:47:55 -0700 (Mon, 20 Jul 2009)

    Log Message:


    • Two small fixes.

    tests Passed: checkintests, mxunit databinding

    Needs QA: YES

    Needs DOC: NO

    Bug fixes: SDK-19250, SDK-22269

    API Change: NO

    Reviewer: Peter D.

    Is noteworthy for integration: NO

    Code-level description of changes:


    Modified getNamespace() to return ''internal'' instead of the

    package name when hasInternal() is true.


    Modified generateRepeatableDestinationFunction() by adding missing


    Ticket Links:




    Modified Paths:


    flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/as3/reflect/TypeTable.j ava

    flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/mxml/ImplementationGene rator.java

    Acrobat Pro Ver 8.X - applying...

    I would like to use the MSI property ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 to hide the application from Add\remove programs. I am able to pass the command line but the msi fails to apply the setting during the install. Has anyone else happened to resolve this?

    Simple Flip of two images flashing

    This code works in Flash ide and IE8.?In Firefox and Google chrome after flipping once it just starts to flash.

    import fl.transitions.Tween;

    import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;




    var isStill:Boolean=true;

    var arraytween:Array = new Array();

    function onflip(e:Event) {

    if (isStill) {

    arraytween.push(new Tween(con,'rotationY',Strong.easeOut,con.rotationY,con.rotationY+180,1,true));





    function reset(e:Event) {




    function loop(e:Event) {

    if (con.rotationY%26gt;=90 %26amp;%26amp; con.rotationY%26lt;=270) {



    ?} else {




    ?if (con.rotationY%26gt;=360) {




    Thanks, Need your help....

    Simple Flip of two images flashing

    No bites yet.

    Really need you help.

    Textflow examples...how to export to db


    I'm studying the textflow framework examples and see that they use a canvas + sprite child with an editManager and IEditManager rather than the textarea.?My question is, once the user has made all the formatting changes, how can I export the contents to a database to save it??I know with the textarea component there was the htmlText, but I'm not seeing an option of sorts. Flex will be the only accessor of this info.

    Thank you!

    Textflow examples...how to export to db

    The TextConverter class supports converting a TextFlow to and from a string.?For example,

    var markup:String =TextConverter.export(textFlow,TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT,ConversionType. STRING_TYPE)


    var?textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);

    TextLayoutFormat roundtrips with all properties and content.


  • beauty tips
  • Another user unable to retrieve...

    I've got a PDF form that I created in Acrobat 9 and distributed through Acrobat.com.

    I'd like another user to be in charge of retreiving new responses for that form, but they're unable to do so.

    Here's the workflow:

    User1 creates form, distributes through Acrobat.com

    User1 opens up the name_responses.pdf file in Acrobat and can click on the ''Update'' button in the top left corner and is able to get new responses that have been submitted to Acrobat.com

    User1 gives permission to the name_responses.pdf file to User2 and askes User2 to check that file every day for new responses.

    User2 opens up name_responses.pdf and sees that the ''Update'' button in the top left corner is disabled - it's greyed out.

    User2 tells User1 that they can't get responses.

    User1 opens the file and is able to get responses just fine.

    User2 opens the file again, but nope - they can't get responses.

    I added the Acrobat.com login information into the Edit-%26gt;Preferences-%26gt;Acrobat.com page within Acrobat for User2, but that doesn't help.

    How can I get User2 to be able to retreive responses for a form that User1 distributed?

    Another user unable to retrieve...

    I am having a similar problem except I have upgraded my computer and can't get the responses to my forms.

    Another user unable to retrieve...

    Please post in the Acrobat.com forum.


    Why in the world should I post in the Acrobat.com forum about an issue with Acrobat?
    The Acrobat.com forums have the following areas:

    Connectivity and login issues96
    Converting files online to PDF with Acrobat.com328
    Sending and sharing files269
    Storing your files61
    Acrobat.com on Adobe AIR庐25
    Adobe Buzzword庐313
    Adobe ConnectNow301

    Is it connectivity and login issues?聽 Nope, I can connect and log in just fine.

    Is it converting files online to PDF?聽 Nope, I'm trying to retrieve responses to a form hosted at Acrobat.com.

    Is it sending and sharing files?聽 Nope.

    Is it storing my files?聽 Nope.

    Does it have anything to do with AIR?聽 Nope.

    Buzzword?聽 Nope.

    ConnectNow?聽 Nope.

    Which area in the Acrobat.com forum would you suggest I ask about why Acrobat won't let me retrieve responses?

    That's absolutely horrible!聽 I'm terribly sorry, seriously - that's messed up.

    When I read about the new form features of Acrobat 9 I thought they were amazing.聽 Now that I'm actually using it I can't wait to get away from it.聽 What were they thinking making it so difficult to compile responses?聽 Yikes.

    Some of the problem my be related to the Edit %26gt; Preferences %26gt; Identity of User2 since this is different than User1. Have you tried making these entries the same for both User1 and User2? It's probably not a great idea having the same Identity but it may serve as a workaround.

    Yes, I've made everything on bothe the Preferences-%26gt;Identity page and the Preferences-%26gt;Acrobat.com page the same.

    Note that the Preferences-%26gt;Identity page has a ''username'' property which is read-only.聽 That, obviously, is different between users.

    I have made the identity and the Acrobat.com preferences the same as well, except for the login name because we just changed servers as well (after this problem occured) and that is my network login name and yes it is read only, cant change it if I wanted to.聽聽聽 I can still open tracker on the old machine and get the responses but not on my new machine.聽 There is an article in the help section about adding reviewers but my tracker does no thave the options that are shown in the help section to add reviewers.... go figure.

    Maybe I should change orver to google docs, they have a form submission that works similar to Acrobat, just not as professional looking, but at least it works. Maybe some one from Adobe will chime in.

    INSTALL ERROR - can not install acrobat

    When I try to install Acrobat 8 or 9 on Windows XP-SP3, i get the following error message:

    zugriff auf die netzwerkadresse \startup war nicht m鏋歡lich

    I searched many site on the net, no fix found.

    hope someone can help me


    INSTALL ERROR - can not install acrobat

    How does the user logon? It it with a roaming profile?

    INSTALL ERROR - can not install acrobat

    Are you installing as an administrator?

    The user hast administrator-rights and yes, there are roaming profiles

    I found the solution here:
    http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/402/kb402867.htm ...

    Now i have the next problem:

    Distiller shuts down after about 3 seconds ??

    flex charting and SDK 3.3

    I recently upgraded to the 3.3 SDK and many of my charting components stopped working (error 1046).?For example it can't find CartesianChart, AxisRenderer, etc.?How can I fix this?

    flex charting and SDK 3.3

    You should install appropriate dataVisualization libraries as well

    http://www.webappsolution.com/wordpress/2009/04/22/installing-flex-33-sdk-data-v isualization-33-swc/

    If you feel this message answers your question or helps, please mark it respectively

    flex charting and SDK 3.3

    Yes, thanks.?It's working now.

    At least they're trying?

    I just got a call from a Jive technician (who was given my number by John). They're working on speed improvements it seems. We spent about 10 minutes (he managed to get to see my screen on his computer. He also asked me to install Firebug). The main point I made was that logging in every day is unnecessary and very slow. Also, I mentioned that a quick reply box would speed things up a lot. The actual speed of going from one forum to another and opening threads is okay. Average. He took note of all the points...



    At least they're trying?

    Well, that's good. I do hope he gave them Jochem's number too, that would get the email issues sorted and probably plenty more. As long as the Jive folk first listen, then ACT!

    At least they're trying?

    You sure they weren't just Jivin' you, man !?

    I think they should also investigate the look of the forum with some of the usability tweaks installed to see if they can hardwire them into the system instead of the current duct tape and paperclips stuff we've done.

    Well, that's good. I do hope he gave them Jochem's number too, that
    would get the email issues sorted and probably plenty more. As long as
    the Jive folk first listen, then ACT!

    Ar鑼俥l wrote on 2009-07-20 21:16:

    %26gt;%26gt; Well, that's good. I do hope he gave them Jochem's number too, that

    %26gt;%26gt; would get the email issues sorted and probably plenty more. As long as

    %26gt;%26gt; the Jive folk first listen, then ACT!

    Funny you should say that, I was thinking exactly the same thing myself. I'm not a major user of these forums and Jochem, and many others here, would have had a lot more to say than I did. I wonder how many others they've called.

    They are investigating the performance issues of the web interface.

    Since I hardly use the web interface, and when I do do not experience

    performance issues, I have no useful input for them.



    Jochem van Dieten


    You sure they weren't just Jivin' you, man !?

    Yeah, but you could sort out the email issues for them. If they wanted to listen.

    Sorry, they're just jiving with you.?The login issue is supposedly Adobe's problem so I doubt it's even on Jive's list to think about.?I know you're trying to do the right thing and be helpful but most likely this thing is beyond hope.?Even Lt Data would be intimidated at the length of the bug list.

    Let's just point out a few things:

    -They are having users/customers assist them with extremely common reproducable problems they could test themselves, so clearly they do not spend nearly enough money on testers...or test plans..

    -Users/customers not using Firefox get no consideration since they only seem to develop on Firefox (install Firebug?) and obviously only do minimal testing in other browsers... if they even test more than two.

    -Quick reply could make things even worse as it's just more jived up client side javascript code, and they are clearly incompetent at writing such (helps to have an actual test plan too)

    -Quick reply shouldn't be necessary anyway - basically this is saying that the way to fix the slow speed and problems with the text entry component is to avoid it entirely (might as well just remove it if it can't be fixed)

    -I can't wait to see if the toying around with fancy JavaScript optimizations, which may not even be possible, introduces new bugs or ''new Jive features''

    As long as they're paying for maintenance on this rubbish Adobe is just throwing money at the problem and hoping it'll go away, we'll see what happens.

    Ansury wrote on 2009-07-20 21:47:

    The login issue is supposedly Adobe's problem so I doubt it's even on Jive's list to think about.

    The issue with being logged out while typing a reply (instead of much

    earlier) is Adobe's issue. But the length of a session is under Jive's




    Jochem van Dieten


    But combining the shop and the forums was adobe's stupid idea!

    Couldn't afford that additional Blade Server to run the sperate sign in database.

    I, too, provided my system specs to try to help figure out the forum slowness issue.

    I sure hope it helps.

    jochemd wrote:

    Ansury wrote on 2009-07-20 21:47:

    The login issue is supposedly Adobe's problem so I doubt it's even on Jive's list to think about.

    The issue with being logged out while typing a reply (instead of much

    earlier) is Adobe's issue. But the length of a session is under Jive's




    Jochem van Dieten


    At least they're trying?

    dave milbut wrote:

    At least they're trying?

    When I would tell my mum I was trying, her answer was always ''yes you are very trying''

    Flipping 2 images on a background

    When I unit test this code in Flash CS4 the code performs just fine. I click the button and the two image flips 180 degrees.

    Publish it and all okay in IE8.

    Try this in Firefox or Google Chrome and it flips once and then just flashs. My Flash debugger is not working on the file so I need some help from you.

    The AS code:

    import fl.transitions.Tween;

    import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;




    var isStill:Boolean=true;

    var arraytween:Array = new Array();

    function onflip(e:Event) {

    if (isStill) {

    ?arraytween.push(new Tween(con,'rotationY',Strong.easeOut,con.rotationY,con.rotationY+180,1,true));





    function reset(e:Event) {




    function loop(e:Event) {

    ?if (con.rotationY%26gt;=90 %26amp;%26amp; con.rotationY%26lt;=270) {



    ?} else {




    ?if (con.rotationY%26gt;=360) {




    Thanks, need your help.....

    Video still freezing while audio still...

    I tried calling adobe to get them to help me out. They are of no use at all.

    My problem:

    I am working on a 45min video that I captured form hy HD Sony cam. Only in one section does the video not playback. I can still hear the audio. Video keeps freezing in the exact same place everytime. I have un-installed then re-installed premiere pro and still does the same thing. I cannot align the speech! PLEASE help.

    My cpu specs:

    聽聽聽聽 鈥⒙?XP

    • 8 GB ram
    • AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Windsor 3.2GHz Socket AM2 125W Dual-Core Processor Model
      2X SAPPHIRE 100259L Radeon HD 4870 512MB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFire Supported Video Card
    • DFI LANPARTY DK 790GX-M2RS AM2+/AM2 AMD 790GX ATX AMD Motherboard
    • 3X 640 GB HD
    Video still freezing while audio still...

    Try recapturing. Your current capture may be corrupted.

    Video still freezing while audio still...

    Original video still plays fine

    Try if deleting the media cache will help, if the captured file plays OK on the PC.

    Can you instruct me on how to do that por favor? It would be much appreciated....

    Edit/Preferences/Media and then Clean Media Cache.

    Thank for the info. I did clean the cache and still have the exact same problem. Any other thoughts? Please please please!

    Back to the basics. Read the following link by clicking on it. Then do the same with the two links in this post and specifically answer all 16 questions at the end of the first link.

    Some suggestions

  • beauty tips
  • How do I manage the same information in...

    I manage a large document which is subject to regular revision and exists in two forms, a web site and an InDesign book. I need to get away from making changes to two different documents. I am hoping to find a solution within Creative Suite. I am using CS4 Design Premium

    Which Creative Suite tools should I use to manage my document?

    How do I manage the same information in...

    Perhaps you should try to distribute a pdf file of the book on the website.

    How do I manage the same information in...

    That is an option that has been explored and rejected at a higher level of management. While we will make a pdf version of the print document available they still want the html document up there.

    Illustrator CS3 (Mac) and Leap 2.0.2

    I use Leap 2 to add meta-tags to my files for the purpose of grouping and whatnot.

    Normally, Leap is great for this, but there seems to be a problem with Illustrator files and the meta-tags disappearing when I save a file.

    The Ironic Software forums have suggested this might be a problem with the way that Adobe files are saved. Specifically, that Adobe apps may overwrite the files with a new version of the file thus corrupting the meta-tags.

    Anyone know if this makes sense and/or is correct?

    This is a very frustrating problem that makes me jump between folders to restore everything.

    This only happens with Adobe files.

    Thanks for all your help.

    Illustrator CS3 (Mac) and Leap 2.0.2

    Hello Donebylee,

    Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat and even Bridge can handle the meta-tags. Bridge can provide you will all the info of any illustrator file, including an Icon Preview, but Illustrator CS3 and CS4 are useless in this area. The Illustrator Team have not release any updates for almost 3 years and I do not think they care to fix any bugs.

    In short, is not the way the files are saved, is a bug that Ai team don't care to fix.

    Adobe Illustrator performance is like you said: Very Frustrating

    PDF freezes Reader, unless it's opened...

    Two months ago, I approached Adobe with a legitimately-generated PDF, i.e., created by Adobe products, that caused Adobe Reader to freeze. I asked for a place to submit the file, never received a response, so I am attaching that file here. If I contacted by an Adobe representative who wishes to examine the file, I will provide the password. Permission is not given for any other use.

    Steps to duplicate:

    * Double-click the document, OR open Reader and attempt to open the document before 6-15 seconds have transpired.

    * It does NOT matter whether the document is opened in a browser, a different OS,?a different bit-depth, or Reader version.


    * Open the PDF after Adobe Reader (in this case 9.1.2) has been running for 6-15 seconds, regardless of OS, bit-depth, browser, or Reader version.

    If anyone else has experienced a similar issue, I would love to know what might lead to the above-described behavior. If I can then duplicate it, I would be happy to assign points. Unfortunately, the attached file must be kept as a private communication between Adobe and myself.

    PDF freezes Reader, unless it's opened...

    This is not an avenue for technical support. You need to pay Adobe for technical support for Reader. The cost I believe is $39 for a single incident.

    PDF freezes Reader, unless it's opened...

    Technical support implies that I need them to fix the problem for us, which I did not specify. We worked around the issue before I made the first report.

    My concern lies in the fact that it appears to be ridiculously easy--with commercial Adobe products--to generate malformed documents that can bring YOUR system to its knees with no effort whatsoever on my part. Imagine if someone were to tie a browser exploit into a timed delivery of the above document; you'd have to terminate all associated?processes, and you'd be left with little proof.

    Since we've already paid for CS2 through?CS4, Adobe Pro, Flash, Photoshop--and in some cases multiples of each--I still remain somewhat surprised that an offer of assistance from the security-oriented community goes nowhere, and a request for a place to submit a candidate exploit is mistaken as a request for support. It's been at least 60 days from initial notification, which surpasses many ethical reporters by at least 1/3.

    The offer to submit still stands. I see no reason to publicize the problem at this time.

    So this is actually an issue with Acrobat, not Adobe Reader??Then maybe you should use the Acrobat support channels.?(I don't know the details, but since you paid for the product, it may include free product support?)

    Or if it is a security issue, as per you last post, then I don't think the Adobe Reader forum is in any way able to help.

    With an experienced and patient laugh, no (though it's also affected), and again: it's not a request for support. Perhaps I should put this into the perspective from which I appeared:




    If it's unclear why I'm referencing those links, this response may be short enough to encourage a slightly different focus.

    Edit: I didn't immediately see Pat's note about security, but after considering that I'd failed to approach this in a way that facilitates forum assistance, a bit of focused digging revealed the following links:

    * http://blogs.adobe.com/psirt/atom.xml

    * http://www.adobe.com/security/

    So as not to be a person who never resolves his own threads for the benefit of others, anyone with a security issue--finding no response via standard customer service or here (understood inappropriate, but I had no other information)--may wish to use [Report a security issue] at the second address, above. Approached sideways, there's some use in both responses, so I'm marking both as helpful and punting this topic. Professionally and prolitely: thank you for your input.

    Message was edited by: Infotech Capital. Marked as answered.

    Field Problem when playing back on TV...

    I have some standard def, field-rendered animation which I have brought into After Effects. I would like to be able to play back the preview on a TV monitor like I do in Adobe Premiere. I have been able to get it to play on a TV, but the fields aren't playing back correctly.

    My animation is lower field first.

    I have messed around with the render settings, preferences and interpret footage with no luck. Can anyone help?

    Sorry if this is a newbie question, I am very new to AE.



    Field Problem when playing back on TV...

    After Effects won't give you an interlaced preview.

    To see your interlaced material, you'll need to test render (interlaced), and playback via a program (such as an NLE) that will support interlaced previewing.

    If you're trying to view your fields (after separating/interpreting them properly in the project window), you can double the frame rate of your comp, and step through it one frame at a time.

    Field Problem when playing back on TV...

    As Steve said - one of those old AE riddles that probably won't be solved for the next hundred years. Creating the comp at double the required framerate and turning off field interpretation is your best bet for some sort of life preview. For fianl rendering you would just nest the double FPS comp in a conventional comp with the normal frame rate and AE will do all the sampling correctly.


    Ok thanks. I guess I'll try setting up the Dynamic Link to Premiere.

    Thank you for the help

    which leads me to ask another field related question.....If have a a dynamic link afx embedded in a Premiere timeline and I preview out my firewire to By deck and?Monitor, What am I seeing field/frame wise when I preview this?...my flying things don't quite move right in a temporal way, not quite inverted fields...any one know whow that?is processes...I figured once rendered in Premiere I should see correct fields but some thing still wierd...am i missing something?

    DL should correctly obbey your Premiere Pro project settings and request the correct sub-frame from the AE instance for field rendering. If it doesn't line up, maybe your AE comp has the wrong frame rate. While sampling is based on time, not on absolute frames, a mismatch could have funky side effects Also make sure you use HQ preview in Premiere. At draft quality, it may skip fields in favor of performance...


    Auto-Update Feature for my AIR...

    I have created an Adobe AIR application and have been able to get the application to accept updates when I set the properties of the Adobe AIR SSL to look for updates in a folder on our network.

    However, when I try to get the application to accept updates via the web from a location on our web server, the application does not update correctly.?I have read through the forums on this site and watched various webinars but have yet to find a solution to my problem. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Auto-Update Feature for my AIR...

    Try http://forums.adobe.com/message/2087587#2087587

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

    Auto-Update Feature for my AIR...

    Thanks for your swift reponse Peter but I tried these steps and am still unable to get my application to update.

    I can't understand how I can get the application to update locally by specifying the location of the xml file in the SSL properties and not get the application to update when I enter the http address for the xml file in the SSL properties.

    I have used the same folder throughout this process and I am baffled as to why it does not work.

    Sorry but this is not something I can help you on. I was aware of that post and hoped it would help. Let's hope someone else is watching this thread and can step in.

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips


    I was able to resolve the issue with the help of my system admin by setting the IIS MIME type for Adobe AIR .air files to:

    extension: .air
    mime-type: application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip

    Thanks for coming back with that.

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

    I can confirm that we also had this same issue with our version (5.0) of IIS and adding .air MIME type resolved it.

    Bogus/Impossible Errors? Part 1

    Has anyone experienced seemingly impossible errors in CF8? I've been a CF developer for nine years now, recently started a new job where we use CF8. We use onError() in Application.cfc to catch and report errors via email. We're experiencing a number of situations where the error just seems bogus.

    Here's the simplest example:


    %26lt;cfif isdefined('s.business_id') AND s.business_id EQ 0%26gt;


    Element BUSINESS_ID is undefined in S.

    This particular bit of code executes probably 500,000 times a day. We get anywhere from 20-30 error emails per day and can never reproduce the error. It's quite annoying and totally baffling.

    Things we've tried:

    • putting the isdefined() condition in its own %26lt;cfif%26gt;, and nesting the second condition within it
    • using structkeyexists() instead of isdefined()
    Bogus/Impossible Errors? Part 1

    [Been doing CF development same amount of time as you - started back with CF5 in 2000 as a matter of fact.]

    No help for you except to say that I've experienced exactly the same errors when attempting to combine cfif IsDefined() AND/OR - sometimes with parentheses and sometimes the same only cfif NOT IsDefined().

    It's exasperating - telling me that one of the elements doesn't exist, when it matter of factly does.

    Unlike you, I've been able to solve it every time by just nesting the cfif IsDefined() statements instead of trying to put them all in one statement.?It's been so bad I've pretty much just started nesting them without even trying to put them all together.

    Bogus/Impossible Errors? Part 1

    By any chance is s a shared scope or in a shared scope ? (application,

    session, server ?) If yes then it might be a race condition.


  • beauty tips
  • how to know the remoteObject call...

    Hi , i would like to know how to know the status of?a rmote call using a remoteObject.... and take dependiing of these status make other call or not..

    o hope you can help me with this problem..



    how to know the remoteObject call...

    You may want to make us of AsyncTokens and Responders.

    The following documentation may be helpful:

    • http://www.flexafterdark.com/docs/ActionScript-Responder
    • http://www.flexafterdark.com/docs/Flex-Remoting

    Let me know if that helps or inspires more specific questions...

    Ben Edwards

    how to know the remoteObject call...

    hi... thanks for your help but i isn楹搕?what i need.. really i just want to trying?to know the status of a call because i need to simule a syncronic call no an asyncronic call because iam trying to write a one single and flexible?function?to set as a result eventHanddler for my remoteObject , i am working with flex convined with webOrb and php an i need to can make secuencial calls to my php classes, my funtion has been writed as follow and it is work but the asyncronics calls dont let it to work as i need(serve diferents objects with a only one remoteObject) but whern i make many calls in a single event like a applicaition complete just give data for the last object...

    public function onResultService(event:ResultEvent,oTarget:Object,cNombreArray:String):void{

    ? aryDataProviders[cNombreArray] = new ArrayCollection(event.result as Array);

    ? oTarget.dataProvider=aryDataProviders[cNombreArray];?


    thanks for your time...

    PD:i been posted the same problem 4 days ago but i have no answers.. and i just would like to know if it is possible in actionScript or not

    i am sorry abaut my write.. thanks again.

    opening a new project: no choice...

    Hi all,

    recently got a problem when trying to open a new project. The pop-up menu allows DV only, the second choice is no longer available. It presumably happened when I deleted all projects I have done in AVCHD in the meanwhile. My video format is m2ts (Panasonic HDC-SD100). My PC hardware: Intel dual-core 2.8 GHz, 3.5 GB RAM, MSI Nvidia GeForce N9600GT 1GB DDR3 running under Windows XP 3rd ed. and Premiere CS4.

    Thanks for any help.


    opening a new project: no choice...

    Recently updated to 4.1?

    If so you have been bitten by an update bug, requiring you to uninstall, run Clean Script 2 or 3 times and reinstall and then apply the update again. This often happens to people who have previously had the trial version or a faulty install to begin with. Cumbersome, time consuming, but the only reliable solution.

    Look here: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/406/kb406241.html

    opening a new project: no choice...

    Isn't this the preview preference for a DV sequence??DV is my only option there as well from a clean install (no trial).

    This is what I see when creating a new project.

    Many thanks for this advice. It worked; but as you noted: it was really cumbersome taking hours and hours. Hopefully it will remain like this.

    I don't know how this got past Quality Control at Adobe, but a lot of people have been bitten by this 'bug'.

    It does seem that there are far too many such problems. Basically, it appears that the installer only finishes some of the work, and does not throw any error messages.

    Good luck, and at least Harm got you up and running.


    But he did not give me any points for the correct answer. This way I may miss the lunch.

    Sorry Harm,

    I am new in this Forum, so I did not check how to give points. Hopefully, it was correct what I clicked now.


    Looks like Harm got the points, and well-deserved ones, I might add.

    He's made me a deal, that if he gets the ''lunch'' at the Adobe cafeteria, he'll pick me up in Arizona to be his ''guest,'' on his way from Holland to San Jose! I'll host him as my guest, but he'll have to find a way to get to Phoenix.

    Good luck,


    PS do I get any points for a ''nice'' reply, even if it didn't really help you, like Harm's reply did???????

    Licensing for the product has stopped...

    I get the error code 6.?None of the suggestions have helped in the KB from the FAQ of the installer page.


    I cleared my AMT log then ran Flash Builder once so it is a clean log.?I have rebooted about 15 times today trying different things.?I have used the plug-in for eclipse, which gives me the error but then works anyway.?I was about to create a quick and dirty Air application to make sure it worked.?It has relaunched several times.?It gives me errors when I open Flex projects but it still works.

    Any ideas?



    Licensing for the product has stopped...

    The Air apps that I create with the plug-in version work fine.?Standalone still not working.


    Issues with PDFMaker Bookmarks Tab

    When I create a PDF from a MS Word document, I mark certain Heading and Style checkboxes in the Bookmarks tab of the Acrobat PDFMaker dialog. However, when the PDF is created, all of the Headings appear in the Bookmarks pane, even though I marked only the Heading 1 and/or Heading 2 checkboxes. This does not seem to happen with Styles, only headings. When I mark a Heading checkbox, Acrobat automatically marks the ''Convert Word Headings to Bookmarks'' checkbox at the top of the Acrobat PDFMaker dialog. How can I create a PDF with only the Heading and Style bookmarks I want in the Bookmarks pane?

    Issues with PDFMaker Bookmarks Tab

    Did you install all updates of Adobe Acrobat?

    Issues with PDFMaker Bookmarks Tab

    Yes, I installed all updates of Acrobat and have been checking for updates periodically. Thanks.

    Lynn DeGrande

    Technical Writer

    Professional Software %26amp; Services

    Thomson Reuters

    Phone:?800) 607-5100 x6293



    CS.ThomsonReuters.com | ES.ThomsonReuters.com

    My AE 6.5 won't load on laptop

    I've used AE 6.5 for years on my desktop and recently loaded it on my Acer desktop replacement laptop which also runs on XP and has loads of room and capacity for this program. However, when I click on the shortcut or exe to run the program, it starts to go through the series of credits that it runs through before laoding and then just suddenly disappears and never loads. Never actually gets past that credit sequence.My AE 6.5 won't load on laptop

    While I encourage you to upgrade (only $299 -so much more goodness exists within the CS4 walls), have you tried updating to 6.5.1?

    My AE 6.5 won't load on laptop

    Hi Steve-thanks-I'll update to 6.5.1 and see if that helps. Odd that it won't even launch though...

    I'd LOVE to upgrade to CS4, but I've been laid off from my job (like the rest of the country), and my unemployment has run out, so spending money's not an option (sadly).

    thanks again.

    I recommend you check the Microsoft pages and download the MS Visual C redistributables for version 6,7 and 8, if they are not on your system already. on a clean OS with no other programs they may simply not be in place. also check your graphics card. AE 6.5 also used OpenGL, but of course much less evolved than CS3 and CS4, so actualyl your graphics chipset may be too modern for it. Therefore removing the OpenGL plug-in in C:\Program Fiels\Adobe After Effects 6.5\Plug-Ins\Extensions may be advised.


  • beauty tips
  • Importing .ts files from cable box

    I've read up a lot on the following problem elsewhere, but wanted to come straight here after not having a lot of luck.

    I have .ts files of 720p HD video that I captured from a motorola cable box with CapDVHS. They play just fine on my computer, no apparent problems anywhere, with audio or anything.

    I've read up on muxing/demuxing and have tried countless variations of trying to import them into Premiere/Encore/AME after sending them through various programs and I have yet to completely succeed. USUALLY, the problem is that the audio begins to get out of sink over the course of the 2 hour file, maybe by a couple of seconds at the end(at the beginning it is fine), but other times AME has produced m2v files that cut out with 30 minutes to go and are just black video for the remainder and there are others.

    So, what I want to know is, if you were me and you had my files and you wanted to import them into Premiere/Encore, etc. What would you do? What are your steps for success? Anyone have any experience with this type of file and Adobe software?

    I'd like to be able to edit the video and produce Blu-rays from these files...

    Importing .ts files from cable box

    I'd get a video camera and shoot the material I want myself, not ripping from a cable box. If you want to continue on this road, use Nero, Cyberlink or any other consumer software, including Notepad. Be aware of the legal limitations however.

    Importing .ts files from cable box

    I'm not a pirate, just a guy who likes to archive football games from his favorite team and I do shoot plenty of my own stuff and I thank Adobe for helping me with that and they thank me for my money.

    But I don't think handling video of all types is too much to ask.

    But I don't think handling video of all types is too much to ask.





    1. Use DGAVCIndex to demux the audio stream(s) and make a frame index of the video stream.
    2. Create an .avs script that has one line in it:
      • AVCSource(''FrameIndexOfMyCableBoxTSFile.dga'')
    3. Load the .avs script file into VirtualDub and save as a Lagarith .avi file.
    4. Import the demuxed audio stream and the Lagarith .avi file into Pr and edit away.


    Nice simple workflow Jeff. Hope it gets the OP to editing the game films.



    [Edit] PS for similar, with a client's wife's cooking show TV programs, I just hooked the DVR up to my A-D unit, and did a straight Capture using it's software to DV-AVI. These edited fine and the difference in the TV feed and the output DVD were very acceptable. No device control between the software and the DVR, but hey, with the remote in one hand and the mouse in the other, very little extra footage was Captured.


    Thanks. It works on my .m2ts files when I know what the audio and video

    codecs are. I hope it works on his .ts files. It's all going to depend

    on what codec his capturing program used to create the .ts files.

    The workflow is simple, but it will take a little bit of time in the

    Quick Start guides and help files for DGAVCIndex and VirtualDub to get

    the exact steps required in each program.


    So, what I want to know is, if you were me and you had my files and you wanted to import them into Premiere/Encore, etc. What would you do?

    Well, I tired Jeff's solution above and my .avi is in ''slow motion''...

    Any idea why?

    I noticed the frame rate while exporting was 16 or so instead of 60, and I tried to change the frame rate under video, but that did not seem to have any effect.

    So it comes down to info about the source .ts file.?Frame rate??Codec used (most likely H.264)??The log file (not the .dga file) created by DGAVCIndex should have some useful info about the frame rate and codec.

    The frame rate reported in VirtualDub during export is the speed at which VDub is processing the video, not the intended or actual playback rate.?But that's me only guessing at what you saw and where you saw it because you sort of glossed over that part.


    Yes, I didn't assume that frame rate meant much, but I thought I'd mention it...Also perhaps of note, the final .avi plays at the same speed as it appears as it is encoding, if that helps at all.

    Here is the info from the log:

    Stream Type: Transport [188]
    Profile: main@high
    Frame Size: 1280x720
    Display Size: 1280x720
    Aspect Ratio: 16:9 [3]
    Frame Rate: 59.940060 fps
    Video Type: NTSC

    Also, I deviated from your rules slightly I am using DGMPGDec because DGA wouldn't load my video and I figured it was because it was mpeg based...That may be completely wrong. So I then used ''MPEG2Source'' as my avisynth script...which also may be completely wrong...

    Also, for those that have mentioned other programs I've also tried using Cyberlink PowerProducer 4 which came with my Burner to burn these files to Blu-Ray and it also does not seem to like them much, I can't get it to finish importing...

    Since the codec in the .ts file is MPEG2, you made a good choice (the

    only choice!) switching to DGMPEGDec. The source statement in your

    script is appropriate as well.

    After you load the .avs script file into VirtualDub, go to File%26gt;File

    Information and make sure the frame size, frame rate and number of

    frames match what DGMPEGDec logged.

    Instead of exporting to .avi right away, try just playing the file in

    VirtualDub. Then, after you export, try playing it in WMP. How do

    those frame rates compare?


    The frame size and frame rate read the same, however I don't have a number of frames in my DGMPEGDC log...

    And when I play the video in VirtualDub it plays fine...

    Man, so many difficulties...I've been working on this for days (not 24 hours days) and I don't know how much more I can do it.

    Also, I never actually even brought files into premiere. I did simply play them with WMP and they were slow.

    In the DGMPEGDec log file, the coded# and playback# represent the number

    of frames.

    Since it plays fine in VDub before you export, it is the export that is

    likely messing things up. Here's what I do:

    1. Go to the Video menu. Select Fast Recompress.

    2. Got to the Video menu again. Select Compression.

    3. In the dialog box that opens, select Lagarith from the codec list.

    4. Click the Configure button. Do you have a multi-core processor?

    If so, check Use Multithreading. In the Mode drop-down list,

    select YUY2 and click OK. Click OK again.

    5. Go to the File menu and choose Save As AVI...

    You should be good to go.

    This stuff is not easy. The encoding schemes, file structures, varying

    decoder quality, application design and the occasional lame attempt at

    copy protection all conspire against the end user. Most users aren't

    pirating copyrighted material; they just want to buy or record one time

    only, and then watch it when they want, on the device(s) that they

    want. Unfortunately, taking HD material and converting to SD or smaller

    involves lots of computing power, and for the most part, lots of

    different computer programs. And there's lots of places in the workflow

    to make errors that will be genuinely fatal to the end result.


    The coded and playback fields are blank...

    I will try this and let you know, thanks for the help. I do have a multi-core processor.

    Still slow-mo, but faster than it used to be. A faster speed...

    I'm running out of ideas.

    1. Try exporting from VirtualDub as Uncompressed instead of Lagarith.?Does that help?
    2. Load your Lags .avi from VirtualDub into a program called GSpot.?Please post a screenshot of the GSpot window here.


    I would think that this FPS issue could be handled along the way in Jeff's suggested workflow. If not, and G-Spot will tell you what you are dealing with, I use a conversion program, DigitalMedia Converter, to go NTSC to PAL and PAL to NTSC a lot. On the files that I am given (all sorts of CODEC's), it has worked fine with Frame Rate conversions. It would be one more step, but might be worth it. Still, there has got to be a way to address this issue in the current workflow - IMHO.

    Good luck,


    Here is the screenshot.

    The Uncompressed video played correctly, speed wise, but the colors were all negative (black was white, white was black).

    I do find it interesting that the frame rate when encoding seems to signify what the final frame rate is. With the uncompressed it was around 60, which is the actual frame rate and it ended up smooth and other times it has varied and the slower it was, the slower the video turned out. (When reading 14 or so, it was very slow...)

    GSpot indicates that VirtualDub created a proper Lagarith 720p60 .avi file.?The error is in your playback chain.?Whatever program or programs you are using to view the exported file, they are smurfing the playback.

    Anything that could mess up DirectShow, like Codec packs for example, is the likely culprit.

    For essentially bullet-proof playback, I use the KMPlayer here.?Many folks use Media Player Classic.?Windows Media Player is very susceptible to bad codecs and corrupted filters.


    Well it appears that you are right. WMP was choppy, VLC wouldn't even play it, but after bringing it into premiere and rendering it (it had a yellow bar) it played smoothly...

    Now I'll need to do the entire file to see if my audio matches up with it perfectly.

    Another question, video and audio of this type, after this process (the .avi and .ac3 files), can they be brought directly into Encore to burn from (after transcoding) or is Premiere needed to export a more suitable file?

    Thank you very much for all your help.

    AVI needs to be transcoded, AC3 will pass through.

    Harm is correct, but the good news is that all of that can be done in


    You're welcome.


    Thanks to both of you. I thought it should be fine, but I didn't know if there was a final step that I might miss.

    I assume I continue to use the MPEG-2 codec at this point rather that H.264?

    For DVD there is no alternative to MPEG2-DVD. That is the only format allowed.

    H.264 takes longer to transcode, but produces better quality than MPEG2

    at similar bit rates. That's even more important when sports videos are

    involved. As always, test a short segment and compare for yourself.

    And if burning to BD, make sure to use an RE disc to avoid wasting a

    blank disc.


    Thanks for the advice, I'll test everything and Blu-ray is my final output.

    I find it a little shocking how huge of a file this process is producing, it says it is turning my 12GB original file into a 150GB file.


    I finally had success using the above methods, but now I have a new problem.

    I now have some SD video, captured the same way, it is 544x480.

    I tried using the same steps as I did for the HD video, but I have yet to succeed. The closest I got was a outputted DVD where the motion was really choppy - and had a somewhat ''interlaced'' look...

    Is there an obvious reason why the HD process would not work for this SD, 4:3 video? Anyone know?

    Also on a related topic, I had a file that mixed HD and SD and that seemed to really throw everything off. Is there something I should be doing to ''normalize'' this file or something, for example if the SD part was what I really cared about and didn't care what the HD looked like?

    Layers and Masks

    I just realized that its hard in FC to put masks on which is possible in Flex so. Especially when u are designing a huge Page with for example Thumb scrollers that are in a Box. The only way to do that now is to take a mask that lays over the the rest the aplication.

    Will a mask feature be availible in the final version?

    P.S.: I rewrite those mask now by hand in Flash Builder.

    Layers and Masks

    Hi Nick,

    If you're just looking for a rectangular clipping mask, you can do that in the beta today.?Just create a custom component, double-click to edit it, and then uncheck Modify %26gt; Auto Size Component Bounds.?You'll see an indicator in the upper-right of the artboard that says ''Clipping On.''?Now everything will clip to the bounds you set for the component.?(We're working on making this easier to find!)

    You also can fake fancier masks within the component by placing translucent gradients around the inside of the border, and ordering them higher in the Layers panel than the content that is going to move around and clip.

    Hope that helps!

    - Peter

    Layers and Masks

    Hi awesome quick reply thank you very much!

    Is there a way to adjust the manual clipping mask so that you can animate the image within the mask?

    In other words, If I want to have a transition that only reveals the masked portion of the image (say, scrolling onto the page) how can I do that?

    Currently, if I set the imported artwork as a custom componenet and adjust the clipping mask, when I get back to the primary artboard and apply a move transition it will animate the whole component including the mask.?Is there a way to force the mask to stay stationary so I can create the desired animation?



    Hi Chad,

    If you go back into the custom component and apply the Move effect to content inside there, you'll get the behavior you want -- the content moves, and the mask (defined by the component's boundaries) stays put.?If placing the Move effects inside the component is problematic for some reason, please let us know a bit more about the app you're creating and we can try to help more.

    - Peter

    Thanks for the reply, I'm still working with the implementation but am hopeful it should provide just enough to achieve the effect.?The only downside is being unable to animate the mask itself as that would open a world of possibilities.


    When i print the pages are Blank??? Help

    When ever i try to print a document for my son the page comes out of the printer blank. it only seems to happen to this document and not and other ones because i just printed out several other documents

    When i print the pages are Blank??? Help

    Can you post the document we might be able to help. Without that we don't have a clue. You can try to print as image. That might work.

    Sunday, March 28, 2010

    enclosing data in a box

    I am working on an application where I want to enclose a few check boxes in a box.?SO I have two checkboxes namely:-

    X Shop right now

    X Shop later

    Followed by a button:-


    Now what I want is to enclose the two checkboxes in a box and have the submit button just underneath the box.?I have tried


    %26lt;mx:CheckBox width=''100'' id=''a'' label=''Shop right now''/%26gt;

    %26lt;mx:CheckBox width=''100'' id=''b'' label=''Shop later''/%26gt;


    %26lt;mx:Button label=''Update'' click=''showSelected(event)'' styleName=''buttonSkin''/%26gt;

    But I dont see the box around the checkboxes visible, I have also tried VBox and Form but to no avail.?any help would be appreciated.

    Help sorting out an old .aspx site

    Hope someone can steer me right here.

    Basically I've been asked to redo a site that was done ages ago in .aspx, which I don't really know anything about. (Although I am familiar with a bit of mySQL and PHP). As a brief history, someone I did another site for has bought out another local business, but for whatever reason, they didn't simply take on or transfer the existing hosting, but bought a new, almost identical domain.

    So as a first step, I'm just trying to download the old site via FTP (I have the log in details), and upload it to the new domain.

    I have downloaded it, but there was no index page, and when I uploaded the entire site, and pointed it to one of the .aspx pages I just got code rather than the page.

    Anyway - this is the homepage of the old site :


    But when I navigate to the homepage of the new site, its a different page - presumably the aspx is doing something clever to create the page?


    And a sample page on the old site is :


    But looks like this where I've uploaded it :


    I'm starting to think its going to be easiest to start over, but if anyone could offer up any clues as to what's going on here, that would be much appreciated.

    The odd thing is, I can't even see that the aspx is even doing anything particularly clever that the site really benefits from, except maybe a small database - but the navigation seems all a bit unintuitive to me.


    Help sorting out an old .aspx site

    The new site is running Apache on Unix!. So, aspx is not going to run at all.

    Help sorting out an old .aspx site

    %26gt;I have downloaded it, but there was no index page,

    The homepage of the old site is default.aspx

    Ah, OK - I did figure out the default.aspx page, but its still a different page on the old site, compared to the new site, where I literally just uploaded all the files after downloading them from the existing site.

    With the Apache / Unix thing, is that basically the kind of host server, as opposed to Linux?

    %26gt;Ah, OK - I did figure out the default.aspx page, but its still a different page on the old site,

    %26gt;compared to the new site, where I literally just uploaded all the files after downloading them

    %26gt;from the existing site.

    I don't think the pages are different. You just can't see much of the content on the new site since it is pulling it from a database dynamically on the old site.

    %26gt;With the Apache / Unix thing, is that basically the kind of host server, as opposed to Linux?

    The point here is that .aspx pages must run on Microsoft Web servers which run on MS operating systems. The .aspx pages won't run on *nix servers.

    Downloading .docx files

    I have a lead/prospect system that allows salesmen to upload documents to the site for others to download and review.?This has been working great for about 3 years now.?Now that some of the salesman are upgraded to Office 2007, they are starting to upload .docx files.?They upload fine, but when you go to download them, you cant....I am using CF 7.

    In Firefox or IE7, when you click the link that leads to the .docx document, it goes to a 404 ''The page cannot be found''.

    In Firefox, if I right click, save link as, it just tries to save a firefox document, and it is unopenable.

    In IE7, when I right-click and save target as, it gives me an error that the site is unavailable or cannot be found.

    I went to the file location and verified the document is there and with the correct name and permissions.

    There is even a link to the .doc version of this same file right next to this link and it works perfectly.

    I have tried this on 3 other computers with the same result.



    Downloading .docx files

    I got it. I didnt realize I had to add the MIME types to IIS......

    Copy brush...

    AI CS3, Win XP

    Have created a brush in a file. Now, want to use it / apply it in another file... How do i do it? Have tried to copy it... no option... Don't want to save the whole ''Brush'' set and re-import...

    (What just struck me... and i haven't tried it yet, is to drag the object (with the brish applied) across and then save the brush... No, that doesn't work... the brush comes across in the final applied shape... not the original, pure brush

    Sorry if this has been answered but a search threw up zero results... (Quite, my search terms may have been wrong but...)



    Copy brush...


    Have you tried copying and pasting a path using the brush?

    That should result in the brush being included in the Brushes palette in the new file.

    Copy brush...

    Sounds like your'e already aware of saving and importing Libraries, but that's not what you want?

    If you just want a single brush.. open the original file, draw a path, apply the brush, choose Edit %26gt; Cut, switch to new file, paste. The brush will be added.

    Jacob, Scott....

    Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! That's just it.... was trying all kinds of dumb s**t like dragging, right clicking on the brush... etc., etc. Knew it was simple but...

    Thanks... Jacob gets the full and Scott the assist purely because Jacob happened along earlier...

    This point system is soooo bad...

    Cheers and thanks again...



    Jacob Bugge

    Jul 20, 2009 12:43 PM


    Jul 20, 2009 12:41 PM

    Note the times... Mine was first don't know why it's listed second. But glad you got the answer you needed.

    There Scott... that makes up for it... two correct answers and now, equal points!


    I posted what you see, except for the last words in the new file, and then decided to add those words for clarity, seemingly while Scott was posting.

    And, since posting takes the poster back to the thread in its current state, Scott could have looked at my original post just above his, thus seeing that it was actually there. When I first posted, there was just the one.

    In the fair forums, there was a timestamp for original posting and for (latest) editing.

    Editing this post which was originally timestamped 1.24 AM, about 40 minutes ago:

    Sometimes, in the fair forums, there were holes in the timespace continuum, so there could be a discrepancy of up to about 10 minutes, more on rare occasions. No one ever suggested a more boring explanation.

    Problem with one sequence in anoyher...


    I am using nested sequences in aproduction. I can set up a sequence, and use effects on footage in that sequence, and then render ir all OK, and it plays back alright.

    If I take that sequence and use it in another sequence, it show the red bars to show it needs rendering again, which I do, and the bars turn green, but when I play it back the parts that required rendering are now just black video, not rendered footage.

    The footage is imported HDV, the effects vary, some garbage mattes, some transitions.

    Anybody got any ideas what causes this and how to rectify it.



    Problem with one sequence in anoyher...

    Not without detail. Look here:

    Some suggestions

    Click on the link, read and follow the links in this post. One thing you may try is deleting all render files and render again.

    Images on 3D objects

    Does Photoshop CS3 or CS4 have a plugin that will allow me to lay an image on a 3d object (i.e. label on a wine bottle). This?includes the ability to control lighting and shadows.?I previously used Adobe Dimensions software, but that product only runs in OS9, which I no longer use. My understanind is that Vanishing Point will do some of this, but does not do lightning or shadows.?Do I need a 3d program, or can it be done in Photoshop??Any help would be appreciated.



    Images on 3D objects

    Yes, in CS4 you can create it from the 3D menu with any image. See Attahced image.

    How to extract text in columns from a...

    I have a .pdf document that is laid out in columns.?I have tried exporting to plain text, saving as a .doc file, and copy/paste-ing highlighted text.?In each case, the text comes out tangled.?That is, it reads a line across all three columns.?So the text from the three columns is tangled together and very tedious to separate and paste back into the correct order.

    I extract alot of text from .pdfs but have not run into this issue before.?Is there a way to fix it?

    How to extract text in columns from a...

    It used to be possible to select text in columns. I am unsure that feature is still available. Without the pdf file being created with the proper tagging information from its creator application, I'm afraid you are in for a lot of pain. The only thing that might help is to repeated crop the columns the different columns on the page and copy from the cropped pages.

    How to extract text in columns from a...


    For selecting text from column, you can use select tool in column select mode. For this, go to Tools%26gt; Select %26amp; Zoom %26gt; Select Tool. Thereafter, press Alt button and drag to select the desired column. Pressing the Alt button with Select Tool activates its Column Select Mode.



    The solution above (from Swati_S) solves the problem.?Thank you!

    I am going to have to try that on one of my newer versions (not this machine). I thought they had dropped the column select, but apparently just hid it! Thanks.

    Trying to link a thumbnail in one frame...


    I am using Adobe Golive 9.

    I found a tutorial on the internet that allows you to create an image gallery with clickable thumbnails

    http://www.tutorialhero.com/click-48179-create_an_image_gallery_with_clickable_t humbnails.php

    However, the tutorial is designed for a page without frames.

    I want to be able to do this using frames.

    I want to link a thumbnail on a page in one frame to a larger image on another page, so that when your mouse is over the thumbnail,

    the larger version appears in the other frame.

    This is what my frames look like so you get an idea of what I'm trying to do

    And here is a picture of the thumbnail in the lower frame and the larger image in the frame above it.

    Could someone please give me STEP BY STEP instructions on how to do this??I'm new to Golive, using version GOLIVE 9, and I know this can be accomplished using ''Set Image URL''?but have no idea how to do it.

    Thank you for your help all.


    Trying to link a thumbnail in one frame...

    A link in one frame is designed to call another page into some other frame, not an image. You can't use SetImageUrl across different pages. You'd probably have to put each of your large images on a page, and call each page each time. I'm not sure why you're so set on using frames, they have many disadvantages.

  • spots
  • Extra info I want out of my signatures

    I'm running into a few problems trying to edit the signature field on my form.聽 I want to hide certain parts of the text off to the side that says DN='''' such as the location, email, reason, etc.聽 I want to change the appearance of the field, not my own personal signature, so that no matter who signs it only certain parts will show up.聽 I've looked all over the internet for answers and can't find anything.聽 Is this even possible?聽 Thanks for your help!

    Extra info I want out of my signatures

    Is the signing done on LiveCycle server?

    If yes, this can be achieved by creating PDFSignatureAppeareanceOptionSpec and pass this object as a parameter in sign request

    PDFSignatureAppeareanceOptionSpec java docs are available at http://livedocs.adobe.com/livecycle/8.2/programLC/programmer/javadoc/com/adobe/l ivecycle/signatures/client/types/PDFSignatureAppearanceOptionSpec.html

    If you want to hide DN information set '' isShowDN() = false''


    Extra info I want out of my signatures

    Okay, I officially qualify as a noob.聽 I put this script ''PDFSignatureAppearanceOptionSpec.isShowDN() =false'' in the layout:ready section of the script using FormCalc, but I'm getting the error message ''accessor 'false' is unknown.''聽 Could you help me out by showing me an example of how to write the script?聽 Oh, and I'm not sure if the signing is being done on LiveCycle servers, but I don't believe so.聽 Your help is appreciated.


    Does anyone know how to remove DN information from a signature field? (Bump)