Sunday, April 4, 2010

Login every time?

I come to these forums every once and awhile, and EVERY TIME I have to login and type my password. Seriously? I don't think it's a huge security risk to just leave it signed in, or at least let Firefox autofill the password.

Scroll to Forums.

Click Photoshop Forum.

Oh that's right, I'm not logged in, even though I was just here yesterday.


Type password. Again.

Scroll to forums.

Click Photoshop forum.

Forget what I came here to lookup in the first place.

Login every time?

Known issue, sucks badly, everyone hates it, supposedly being fixed on but no news about it at all that I've seen...

Login every time?

You'll be lucky if you don't get logged out while posting and lose your post. It's been complained about long and loud since before the new forums went live.

Well then.

I'd say knowing I wasn't the only one was more comforting, but it isn't. Crap is still crap.

%26gt;Crap is still crap

Yes... but this is, according to what I've read, not part of the general crapiness of these forums

The ID and PW you use to login here is the same one used at the Adobe store (I think this was a BAD decision) so Adobe has had the forums set to a short cookie period for security

Ah, so there was at least some reasoning behind the short time, albeit poor reasoning.

Save some buck by lot deploying another blad server to hold the login database, didn't want to over work the poor soul (instead hiring a helper), and a paranoia for security. Fear that people on the forums will spill trade secrets.

Erm ... Yes! 閳ユ枀鐘?definitely!

ficholasnorneris wrote:

Ah, so there was at least some reasoning behind the short time, albeit poor reasoning.

Well said.

Spamming in the Lions Den eh?

ficholasnorneris wrote:

Well then.

I'd say knowing I wasn't the only one was more comforting, but it isn't. Crap is still crap.

Every time I close Firefox I am forced to login again even if I restart Firefox immediately.

This is?worse than what it was a few weeks ago.

Can the Jive people fix nothing?

I think I found the problem and it wasn't Jive.

If you have Firefox set to ''Private Browsing'', you will have the problem described in my previous post.

Heh, people seem to complain about problems with that browser a lot.

Anyway, it's still a problem and it's not browser specific, maybe not as bad as that but we shouldn't have to login every **** day.?Obviously Adobe cares very much about this major flaw...

That's great Jive, I had to do an update/edit on that post twice before it took effect, and I even did a page reload after the first edit just to make sure it wasn't an old cached page.?Rubbish forum.

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