Sunday, April 4, 2010

Forced return, non-breaking hyphens &...

Forced return (linefeed), non-breaking hyphens and spaces, suppress hyphenation.

None of these are preserved when exporting from FrameMaker to XML, since they do not seem to be represented by a Unicode code point. My question to you is: How do you deal with those things in XML?

The last issues (non-breaking and suppress hyphen) have recently been brought up in:

Forced return is a common thing in many FrameMaker documents to improve readability of certain phrases.

For export of FM to XML, there have been proposals to use a special element with a prefix just to capture the special FrameMaker symbol. It works, and may be a valid useful path in certain cases, but I think that it is a questionable way of dealing with it for several reasons:

Forced return, non-breaking hyphens %26...


The linebreaks, hyphenation etc. are solely a function of the publishing design. If the same content is to be poured into a 3-column layout or a 1-column full-page width layout or any dynamic, resizeable container (like for portable devices), these are going to be different and really have not much purpose in the datastream.

In my case, XML is run through FM's publishing engine via Miramo to generate output and the FM files are simply transient - meant to be tweaked for visual display and discarded once published. So I really don't give much thought to preserving formatting characteristics in XML, simply because it is NOT relevant or useful data.

Perhaps if you could provide a clear answer (playing devil's advocate here and not meaning to antogonize), as to what purpose is served by trying to include application and/or layout specific attributes in an XML datastream, then the issue of how one deals with them may be germane. Stretching this even further, one could suppose that these formatting characteristics really should be a property of the publishing container and it should be the container's responsibility to format the datastream accordingly.

Forced return, non-breaking hyphens %26...

Arnis, thanks for your views.

Reflowing for different output may very well call for different hyphenation and line breaks, at least sometimes, but the way you describe it, it means that someone has to use some formatting software and redo *everything* in this area, *every* time the data stream is to be output! No reuse whatsoever about proper or improper hyphenation, or phrases that may not be split (such as e.g the voltage unit after the value: ''12 V'' which may not be split into two lines regardless of output format). Although doable, it is hard to think of this as good reuse. Any save to XML means the work is lost, which only is okay if the information was meant to be used only once.

To me, an XML data stream is crippled if it can't preserve the non-breaking space in?e.g ''12 V'' (although I personally often use a thin space there instead of a regular space).

Arnis Gubins wrote:

Perhaps if you could provide a clear answer..., as to what purpose is served by trying to include application and/or layout specific attributes in an XML datastream...


The non-breaking space is a perfectly valid unicode character (u+00A0), as well as the non-breaking hyphen (u+2011), hyphenation point (u+2027) and a whole slew of other ''formatting'' characters are available in the unicode general punctuation block range (u+2000 to u+206F). If these are included as part of the datastream, then they should be properly processed by the application (at least mine do ).They also should roundtrip now that FM supports the unicode character set.

I also make use of regex (regular expression) processing to trap special characters or word combinations (like your ''12 V'', for example, if required) and apply formatting rules as required in the processing application (which is what I was eluding to by having the ''smarts'' in the container) when creating the output. I too do not like to have to manually insert all of the same things all of the time. However, for a final visual layout, there will be always be some degree of human intervention required. I just try to get the content to a point where there is not too much for the human to do.


?Structured documents saved as XML can preserve all these characters.


?In practice, XML is not always completely format-independent. Suppose, for instance, that documents are to be archived in XML or written to XML so they can be run through XSLT or other XML processing and then opened back in FM. Such workflows are often impractical if use of forced returns or non-breaking hypehns are lost. Conditional text or attributes on special elements can identify whether the characters pertain to all possible outputs or only some of them.


Lynne A. Price wrote:

?Structured documents saved as XML can preserve all these characters.


Your either/or missed the third case: that an app can save the special white-space and hyphen characters, but it takes some configuration to do so.

You are correct that by default FM exports a forced return as a regular line break which it then reads as a space. There are a few techniques you can use to preserve the forced returns:

1. If you are concerned only with forced returns within elements of particular types, you can use the Preserve Line Breaks rule. When it imports an element that uses this rule, a line break in the XML document comes in as a forced return. To avoid breaking lines within the content other than for forced returns, you can use a writer line break rule to extend the length of lines FM will generate (by default, it breaks at about 70 characters). For example:

element ''ProgramListing'' {

?preserve line breaks;

?writer line break is 999 characters;


2. You can declare an entity in your DTD to be used for the forced return character and use a read/write rule to map the entity to that character. For example, add:

?%26lt;!ENTITY ForcedReturn ''FM forced return''%26gt;

to the DTD and use the r/w rule:

entity ''ForcedReturn'' is fm char 0x09;

3. In FM 7.2, I found that the entity approach was not reliable within text range elements. Haven't tested with later versions. I avoided the problem by defining an empty element with a prefix of a forced return and used that element instead of entering the character directly.

The problem I mentioned with entities for forced return may be specific to that particular character. I just did some testing in FM 9 writing the suppress hyphenation character as an entity. I found that my r/w rule, which I entered into an FM document rather than a text file, had to identify the character by numeric character code rather than as a single character string.



I appreciate the response and understand the use of XML ''documents''. I usually only deal with database output where both the XML output stream and FM documents are transient, so round-tripping is not an issue nor even a consideration (product catalogs, directories, specification sheets, statements, etc.). If format characters or entities have been entered into the database, then I have to honour them, but in many cases this info isn't available. Processing rules have to be added to the publishing application to try to compensate for the lack of some formatting rules.

First of all an embarrassing correction: At the top of my original post I said that all those things mentioned in the title are not preserved when exporting from FM. That is wrong! Some of them are preserved, some are not. Those that (without tricks) are not preserved are: forced return, suppress hyphenation and discretionary hyphen. (This is with FM 8 or 9.)


Ahaa! Now we are talking!

That entity thing works! What puzzles me is that you mapped it to 0x09, which is the tab character!? Indeed, looking into the FM binary, there really is a tab character in these places! Strange.

Also, just as you had experienced with earlier FM version, the entity approach does not work within text range elements using FM 9. If that could be solved, it would at least be a ''small step for mankind''.

I wonder what other XML tools would do when they come across that entity declaration, which they obviously can not understand? Will they just bail out, or show '%26amp;ForcedReturn;'', or a space? (I made a little experiment, and in that case it showed %26amp;ForcedReturn; and barked at it.)

Is there a way to declare an entity such that, if not understood, it will use an alternative mapping?

So, how about suppress hyphenation and discretionary hyphens? I just checked the FM binary, and it uses 0x05 and 0x04 for those (i.e ENQ and EOT). Are there more such things that would need to be mapped? I have verified that things like non-breaking space, non-breaking hyphen, thin space, en space, em space, numeric space, en dash, em dash, are all preserved in FM 8 and 9.

I don't quite understand what you meant with identifying the character by numeric code rather than a character string? Wouldn't you do it the same way as with forced returns, i.e something like: entity ''SuppressHyphen'' is fm char 0x05; ?



1) Indulge me in a point of vocabulary: the features that you refer to as ''tricks'' are really configuration options. FM has a default way of representing all these characters, but also allows you to change that default.

2) Note that the r/w rule refers to FrameMaker's internal character codes which do not quite match those of standardized character sets. See the online Adobe FrameMaker 9 Character Sets manual (Character_Sets.pdf). FM uses \x08 for a tab and \x09 for a forced return. Hence, the rule is:

entity ''ForcedReturn'' is fm char 0x09;

3) When an entity is mapped to a special character in FM, FM ignores the entity's replacement text. FM results will be the same if the DTD uses any of

%26lt;!ENTITY ForcedReturn ''''%26gt;

%26lt;!ENTITY ForcedReturn ''xyz''%26gt;

%26lt;!ENTITY ForcedReturn ''FM forced return''%26gt;

A content-driven XML processor (one that does not consider the markup used within its input) will not distinguish characters entered directly from those that are included via an entity reference. As you've noted, to such software (which includes XSLT), an entity reference is equivalent to its replacement text (the part of the declaration between quotes).

When I iintend to process XML with XSLT, I use a declaration such as the 3rd form because the string ''FM forced return'' is unlikely to occur in the contents of my users' documents. The XSLT code can therefore trap that string and perform whatever processing is needed.

If you do not need to be able to distinguish the entity reference from other methods of entering a newline or other representation of a line break, go ahead and declare the entity the way you want it processed. Remember that a DTD can declare an entity multiple times; the first declaration is used. You may be able to define entity search paths to make use of this convention.

4) The Is FM Char rule can identify the character mapped to an entity by its character code (in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal) or as a string consisting of a single character. So the following rules are equivalent:

entity ''lettera'' is fm char 97;

entity ''lettera'' is fm char 0x61;

entity ''lettera'' is fm char ''a'';

Hope this helps,


Thanks everyone for all the excellent info here.

I am wondering if there is also a way to round-trip a ''keep with next paragraph'' setting -- the one on the Pagination tab of the para designer.?Is there a way to represent that in xml??I havne't found anything that might represent that...?




Pagination is left to the application for how it treats the element. The standard way of representing that in Structured FM or XML is a pagination attribute in the element that may have a value like ''Keep With Next Element'' (or similar).

In my primary EDD I have several elements with the attribute Pagination that may have values like ''Keep With Next Element'', ''Keep With Previous Element'' or ''Keep Together''. The EDD can easily control the relevant setting of the paragraph (the same as in the pagination tab).

Especially useful is the value ''Keep Together'' that I can have in lists. It can ensure that the whole list is kept together on the same page. The EDD can can do this since it can distinguish the first paragraph in the element from the other paragraphs.

All these things will of course round-trip since it is an explicit attribute.


As anyone can see, entity declarations have not really been in the domain of my expertise (understatement), but I might just learn bits and pieces...

Thanks! I have now done some more reading in various pdfs, such as scructapps etc, but also the w3c xml spec, all of which I have ''read'' before, but reading is not always the same as understanding...

I now have used the ''entity approach'' to make both discretionary hyphen and suppress hyphen work, so that it is represented in the XML export and round-trips just fine.

Forced return still puzzles me somewhat though: I have a working solution for that using the same entity approach, but it will not work for text ranges (although it is a bit odd to have forced returns in text range elements). Moreover, I am not certain that it really is the best way. In reading other posts on this issue, I have seen that some people want forced returns to really be linefeeds in the xml output, with no other linefeeds, and conversely, when importing xml that are ''formatted'' in lines, such as code, they want to preserve that.

One?way to achieve that is to use:

reader line break is forced return;

writer line break is 1000 characters;?(or more characters)

Then it is completely symmetric (i.e works also if some other app has generated the xml with intentional line breaks. And this method is global for all elements, and it works for me.

Another way to achieve this is to use the following, but it is only valid inside an element:

preserve line breaks;

writer line break is 1000 characters;

Then it is also completely symmetric (in the above sense), and it works for me.

The latter method has the drawback that it only works for text in the element; it is not inherited to its children.

But if we look at only one element, what is the difference between the two methods?

As far as I have been able to see, the results are identical! Why two methods? The first one seems more powerful and general(?)

Scrutinizing the documentation though, it says that 'preserve line breaks' will add an attribute 'xml:space', but I can't see that in my output?

Also, concerning the documentation for line break, it says that FM would ignore line breaks when exporting, but it does NOT do that (fortunately). Forced returns always result in linefeeds, no matter what.

I would be thankful if these issues could be explained, or elaborated.

Also, would you recommend against any of these methods?

With my preferred method of using the global 'reader line break is forced return' instead of a local (or many local) 'preserve line breaks', there is of course the danger that when importing xml, it is absolutely necessary that the xml really only has line breaks where they are intended, and not generated every 80 characters or so!

Is there anything that says it is ''ugly'' or ''bad style'' to honor line breaks, and generate long lines?

Finally, why do we need to limit the number of characters written in one line these days? Why 80, why 1000, why not an unlimited number of characters!?

Will software these days really crash if given a very long line (assuming that it doesn't exceed total ram memory of course)?

Sorry about so many questions, but I can't find any answers to them in the docs I have read and searched.

  • sunscreen skin
  • Trouble chosing 24fps in project...

    I'm having trouble changing the project settings in PE7. My video was shot using a canon Vixia HF S10, and was shot in 1920 x 1080 at 24fps. PE7 will only allow me to chose from one of the presets. When I open the dialog box to try to change the settings the fields won't let me make any changes.

    Here is a screen shot...

    As you can see (maybe) the fields where I would change the setting to 24fps is greyed in. The only one I can change is the Display Format and it does not have a choice for 24fps.

    Trouble chosing 24fps in project...

    That is correct. 24p is not supported in Premiere Elements.

    For that, you'll need a professional editing app, like Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas.

    Trouble chosing 24fps in project...

    You can download and install the custom project presets for Canon progressive camcorders. It will give you a 24fps project preset. It is intended for PPro2 but works in Premiere Elements:


    That's great to know and thanks for posting the link.


    PS - hope you had a wonderful holiday, dispite the weather. You were missed here.

    Thanks to all for answering my question. And thank you Paul for the link.

    How do I get captions to show for...

    How do I get captions to show for viewing in

    How do I get captions to show for...

    You're lost. You have landed in a rarely viewed sub-forum of a rarely viewed sub-forum of a slightly less rarely viewed forum that used to be popular before they ruined it with some new forum software.

    Also, the forums are for Adobe product questions.

    Good louck finding your way to wherever you think you need to be.

    How do I get captions to show for...

    Here ya go matey!

    Binding - the best practices

    Hi All,

    I have 2 files:

    1. application.mxml where I want to display some variables (properties) from the second file. I will display those variables mainly as debugging infos. I will mainly use %26lt;mx:Label%26gt; tags.

    2. is a class and the properties will have to be displayed in application.mxml. The instances of the class will be created during run time and not at the start.

    My question is: How do I do this? I know that binding variables is the solution to this problem. Can you give me a clue and some direction how I start with it? Perhaps some working example will be a good start.

    This is common problem I think, but I spent the whole day on studying lots of examples and I am confused now.

    Best Regards


    Binding - the best practices

    If looks like this:


    public class File


    public var name:String = ''foo'';


    You can get it in your app like this:





    private var aFile:File;



    %26lt;mx:Label text=''{}'' /%26gt;


    Add some code to set aFile = new File() and you should see ''foo'' in the label

    Alex Harui

    Flex SDK Developer

    Adobe Systems Inc.


    Random CSS Issue - Affecting Site...

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with a strange, random CSS issue I'm having.?On occasion, when a user loads any given page on my web site, the bottom menu bar will cover part of the page content, or otherwise display in a position contrary to the specifications in my CSS file.?The strangest part of this issue is that it's never consistant, each user has only encountered the issue once, and each on on a different page.?When the page is refreshed, the menu will load properly, however since this web site was created for my employer, I'd rather not rely on a fix that isn't within my control.?Of course, redesigning the web site layout from scratch isn't an option either, I have too much extra work to do.?Any suggestions as to how to ensure this problem no longer affects the site would be greatly appreciated.?My site can be found at in advance for any help I get.



    Villa Olympic Inc.

    Random CSS Issue - Affecting Site...

    If it's of any help, I've attached the CSS file with the menu bar's positioning attributes, so anyone willing to help can look at what I've got so far.

  • beauty tips
  • Change default caption...


    If I choose to not use the default blue and white caption style, can I pick a different style to be my default for any of my projects? I will be making several videos. I realize I can change it within a project, but I was hoping to make this change so that every time captions are generated they are already in the right format.


    Change default caption...

    Hi there

    If you click Edit %26gt; Preferences... %26gt; Recording %26gt; Defaults you may choose a caption style to be used for the automatically added captions.

    Cheers... Rick

    Helpful and Handy Links

    • Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    • Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    • SorcerStone Blog
    • Captivate eBooks
    Change default caption...

    Thank you

    UIMovieClip error

    I have several flex components that I exported from flash in my Flex application.?For some reason, whenever the focus gets changed from the custom component I get the following runtime error:

    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    at mx.flash::UIMovieClip/removeFocusEventListeners()[E:\dev\flex\sdk\frameworks\pr ojects\flash-integration\src\mx\flash\]

    at mx.flash::UIMovieClip/focusOutHandler()[E:\dev\flex\sdk\frameworks\projects\fla sh-integration\src\mx\flash\]

    Any ideas on what could cause this?

    UIMovieClip error

    I'm still not sure why I hade the error exactly.?As it turns out, Flex was compliling to Flash Player 9.?To fix the problem I changed the Require Flash Player Version in poperties under Flex Compiler to 10.0.0.

    I generally don't like to generate an html wrapper and tend to use the projecter only.?Even after changing the flash version here, flex still compiled in flash player 9 when I didn't choose to generate the HTML wrapper.?To fix this problem, follow the instructions here:

    Browser Problems for Firefox Using CFM...

    Need help please. If someone could look at my webpage %26amp; see what is wrong with my code I would highly appreciate it. The webpage index.html comes up fine in IE %26amp; Firefox but not the cfm pages.

    Note I could go in %26amp; change every page to a html %26amp; then every link so I thought if I could change each page to be seen in Firefox it would save me time.



    Browser Problems for Firefox Using CFM...

    Hi there if you go to my website http// and click on the information link, once there click on the free web tools.?Click html validation here you can validate or tidy any code.?Stay Safe


    Browser Problems for Firefox Using CFM...

    Thanks Mark


    video tutorials

    In PSE6 for mac there is a folder market ''tutorials'' in which are several jpeg images. I assumed these go with a video tutorial but that is not to be found anywhere. What gives?

    video tutorials

    I have PSE6 on Windows and under the Help section, there is Online Learning Resources which may help

    video tutorials

    Yes I have tried that and it goes to an Adobe page that says: ''broken link'' error 404. If you have a link that works, please send it.

    I presume the folder with jpegs tha came with the software is used in a training excercise but where is the tutorial?

    The link that comes up by going to the help menu is but that may only be for Windows.

    I cannot remember whether there was a tutorial on the DVD?but it may well worth loading it to see whether there is one.

    Thanks very much. Adobe was aware of the issue with the broken link but in talking to four people, none were unable to direct me. You're the MAN!

    Glad that has solved your problem

    Why am i getting 83 emails that are about other questions

    from other users?How do i stop this?


    hartlanders wrote:

    Why am i getting 83 emails that are about other questions

    from other users?How do i stop this?


    Unable to find ''actions'' in method 1 or ''your stuff'' in method 2. You must be on another planet!

    No, she's on this website. You must come to the site to do this, and then it's right there to the right of the list of messages and up at the top of the page.

    EDIT and you won't see any of it until you log in here.

    Thank you Barbara!

    LOL scroll up, and look to the right, not the left, but right. I mean seriously did you think he/she was referring to the refrigerator?


    Well, I am using my eye as an avatar...and it has been tinted green and altered to appear alien. LOL.

    BlazeDS and AIR

    I created/copied a simple example of sending messages using Flex and BlazeDS. I plan on using AIR, this will not be a browser based app.?If this is an AIR app, do I really need the messaging-config.xml in my client application? Or, will it essentially be ignored? I tried to compile without it, but it failed. I was thinking that only blazeds would require the messaging-config.xml, not the client.


    BlazeDS and AIR

    The configuration files have information for both the client and the server, so the client in most cases does need to get compiled against the configuration files. The main configuration file is services-config.xml. This includes/references the configuration files for the individual services such as messaging-config.xml, the configuration file for the messaging service.

    I'm a bit confused. Do you not want to compile in any configuration information (i.e. not compile against services-config.xml) or do you just not want to compile in the messaging service configuration information (i.e. not compile against messaging-config.xml).

    It is possible not to compile any configuration information into the client but then to use BlazeDS you must configure everything yourself in your client code. If you're interested in doing this I'd recommend taking a look at this blog posting that talks about how to set something like this up. /

    Hope that helps.


    Question about MX:Producer and AIR and...

    I created/copied a simple example of sending messages using Flex and BlazeDS. I plan on using AIR, this will not be a browser based app.?If this is an AIR app, do I really need the messaging-config.xml? Or, will it essentially be ignored? I tried to compile without it, but it failed. I was thinking that only blazeds would require the messaging-config.xml, not the client.


  • beauty tips
  • Server Side Includes Don't Show Up?

    I support a web site and I've been maintaining it with DW (previous to CS3 and now I'm using CS3) and except for the home page, whenever I test a page locally on my PC, the content of the includes don't show up in the browser.?Once I upload them to the web site, they work fine.?I should point out that the home page is the only page in the root directory.?All the other pages are in a next level folder.?At the time I designed the web site, I thought this would help me organize things, but I regret doing it.?This has happened with the previous version and with CS3.

    Anyway, it's what I'm stuck with.?I've set up my local site without server access.?Given my situation, is there anyway to get the includes to work on my PC when I test the pages within DW?

    Server Side Includes Don't Show Up?

    You must be running a webserver on your local system and the site folder needs to be set up in the OS and in the web server.

    Server Side Includes Don't Show Up?

    In Dreamweaver,?the F12 browser preview should show them...?Are you saying that they aren't showing up there or in design view?

    I would almost suspect a path issue,?but if they're working online,?Hmmmmm

    When you load up the page in Dreamweaver,?is it loading up all the external files as well??(See Screenshot Attached.)

    That is correct, they don't show up in browser preview or design view.?Here's an attached screen shot.

    Rob Hecker2 wrote:

    You must be running a webserver on your local system and the site folder needs to be set up in the OS and in the web server.

    I had not realized that Dreamweaver has a method of recognising includes, so my previous post does not apply. Sorry. Since all my pages use PHP, I run a local server to preview them.

    Open the Preferences panel from the Edit menu (Dreamweaver menu on a Mac), and select Invisible Elements. Make sure that the checkbox labelled ''Server-Side includes: Show contents of included file'' is selected.

    It's also important to make sure that your server-side includes contain only fragments of the page. There should be no DOCTYPE declararation, %26lt;html%26gt;, or duplicate %26lt;head%26gt; or %26lt;body%26gt; tags in the include files.

    While in Preferences, also select Preview in Browser, and choose the option to preview using a temporary file.

    David_Powers wrote:

    Open the Preferences panel from the Edit menu (Dreamweaver menu on a Mac), and select Invisible Elements. Make sure that the checkbox labelled ''Server-Side includes: Show contents of included file'' is selected.

    It's also important to make sure that your server-side includes contain only fragments of the page. There should be no DOCTYPE declararation, %26lt;html%26gt;, or duplicate %26lt;head%26gt; or %26lt;body%26gt; tags in the include files.

    While in Preferences, also select Preview in Browser, and choose the option to preview using a temporary file.

    On further use of DW, I realize this problem is not fixed.?First, I stated the problem poorly.?Let me try again.?If I am working on any page in DW and press F12 for Firefox (or ctl-F12 for IE) that page will display the server side includes in the browser.?One of those includes is a menu of links to other pages.?If I click on one of those links in the current browsing session, the linked page does come up, but any includes are not displayed.

    To summarize: I press F12 to start a browsing session and that page is displayed properly with server side includes.?While in that browsing session, I click on a link to another page, and that second page in the browsing session does not disply the server side includes.?When these pages are uploaded to the server, they work properly.

    I was looking around to see if I could mark this question unanswered, but couldn't find a way to do it.

    jangell2 wrote:

    If I click on one of those links in the current browsing session, the linked page does come up, but any includes are not displayed.

    To summarize: I press F12 to start a browsing session and that page is displayed properly with server side includes.?While in that browsing session, I click on a link to another page, and that second page in the browsing session does not disply the server side includes.?When these pages are uploaded to the server, they work properly

    Nadia-P wrote:

    To summarize: I press F12 to start a browsing session and that page is displayed properly with server side includes.?While in that browsing session, I click on a link to another page, and that second page in the browsing session does not disply the server side includes.?When these pages are uploaded to the server, they work properly

    Is this possible?

    Hello there.

    We had an idea for a Flash intro for our website, but we don't know if it is even possible -- so I thought I would come here to ask. If it is possible, we will hire someone to do it.

    Basically, we want to replicate the look of the RSS Visualizer Screen Saver on the Mac. If you go to your Screen Saver settings in System Preferences, there is a screen saver called ''RSS Visualizer''. Basically it takes an RSS feed and displays the article titles and the first three lines of text of each article for a second and then rotates them off the screen, whereupon soon after the next article spins into view. It cycles through them one at a time in this fashion. Meanwhile, the background (which is like a cloud image) is also in motion. It's very cool and you will probably have to look at your screen saver preferences to get an idea of what I am talking about as it is hard to explain. We would like to pull the titles and text from just a text or xml file or something, rather than an RSS feed.

    Now would something like this be possible for a Flash website intro? Thanks in advance!

    Question about text entry

    I have an drawing format that always need to have certain fields filled in on each drawing.?Is it possible to create a pop up of some type to fill in these fields??Any other ideas are welcome.

    Question about text entry

    Make the text into simples or make the text box into a symbol.

    No need to fill them in one at a time. The text is editable and updatable as well. For instance say there is a permanent change to the name of the firm and you want that reflected on all previous current and future documents just update the symbol as long as it is part of a library all the documents on
    you computer will update when you open them.

    Question about text entry

    I'm not sure what a simple is.?I am a novice user when it comes to AI. Here is an example of my title block.

    I am using CS2 .?Is the text editable in a symbol?


    You might try looking here

    I am a little confused you want a drop down but nothing on that block looks like it is a constant input it al looks like it changes.

    Text in a symbols is editable two ways you can one so all the symbols update two if you break the link the instances is now independently editable.

    So if you are updating to a new project then you place an instance then break the link to the symbols make changes to the constants for that projects and turn that into a symbol. then you place a instance break the link and input the variable content.

    You can also use variables to do something similar.

    I don't want a drop down per say. I just want to edit the text in the title block in one place instead of having to click in each text box. Each title block will contain different text.

    xml query the database breeze Please...

    My name is Leandro, we are using adobe connect meeting pro version: connect_701_r18,

    good enough for inrrola鑾借尗o going to my problem,

    I wanted to know how do I make a query I get: name of the room, beginning of the meeting, end of meeting, number of users connected to each meeting, that it has already helped quite original.

    remembering that in the xml it after the ''SCO-id'' and I need the actual name of the room or I need the actual name of the room that is the native name and not the ID. how do you find in the bank? in which this table? I only use the ''meeting''.

    any doubts about my post send me e-mail: leandro.ald @
    I'm in brazil

    Expanding textfields

    I have attached an example.

    What I am trying to achieve is a form that flows with a nice and neat format even onto the second page, when multiple line are typed in the text field.

    Is there a way to get clean breaks between textfields. For example if multiple lines are typed in each textfield (date/time/location, Subject, Host/Org.....etc.) and textfields flow to the next page, is there a way for the text fields at the bottom of the page to break so that the second page will look as neat as the first page (some of the text fields are running into the bottom margin).


    Expanding textfields

    Make your Content Area on the Master Page smaller so it fit son top of the rectangle. The Content Area is the space where the form is allowed to flow. By having it over top of your footer you are allowing an overwrite condition.


    Expanding textfields

    Works like a charm!



    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

    Caveats: NONE

    Good morning,

    I am not able to access your attachment, can you send it via email.



  • beauty tips
  • The object Background is not currently...

    Trying to make a simple action/droplet.

    Open document, duplicate Background layer, save, close.

    Action works on a file I open. I make a droplet - and it can't find the Background?

    Every time it says ''The object Background is not currently available.'' Do I need to turn something off? Auto-Select Layer?

    I used to make actions that could do things similar to this, why not anymore? CS4.

    The object Background is not currently...

    Background has to be the correct ''Background''- this is a completely opaque base layer . Layer/new/background from layer.

    If you actually want it to select the base layer, whether this is actually the 'Background' or not: Use the shortcut Alt Comma - this will record in your action and will NOT stop the action, regardless of situation.

    An ''drawn'' animation converted to as3...

    For instance, if I draw a blue rectangle in frame, is there any way I can convert that into a sequence of code, or somehow generate the code in AS3 that draws that rectangle?

    An ''drawn'' animation converted to as3...

    If you mean via the flash authoring interface, then not automatically.

    You could more easily do it in the player, by capturing mouse event driven drawing commands etc for replaying. There was an old extension that I had at one point called sel2draw which was a basic converter for converting flash authoring tool vectors into actionscript (as2). It was pretty basic in terms of what it generated and didn't create animated drawings.

    Customizing FM9's toolbars

    A blog was posted by Amit Agarwal of FM's engineering team on how one can customize the new FM9 toolbars. Cool stuff that isn't documented in the FM9 supplied material. See:

    Login every time?

    I come to these forums every once and awhile, and EVERY TIME I have to login and type my password. Seriously? I don't think it's a huge security risk to just leave it signed in, or at least let Firefox autofill the password.

    Scroll to Forums.

    Click Photoshop Forum.

    Oh that's right, I'm not logged in, even though I was just here yesterday.


    Type password. Again.

    Scroll to forums.

    Click Photoshop forum.

    Forget what I came here to lookup in the first place.

    Login every time?

    Known issue, sucks badly, everyone hates it, supposedly being fixed on but no news about it at all that I've seen...

    Login every time?

    You'll be lucky if you don't get logged out while posting and lose your post. It's been complained about long and loud since before the new forums went live.

    Well then.

    I'd say knowing I wasn't the only one was more comforting, but it isn't. Crap is still crap.

    %26gt;Crap is still crap

    Yes... but this is, according to what I've read, not part of the general crapiness of these forums

    The ID and PW you use to login here is the same one used at the Adobe store (I think this was a BAD decision) so Adobe has had the forums set to a short cookie period for security

    Ah, so there was at least some reasoning behind the short time, albeit poor reasoning.

    Save some buck by lot deploying another blad server to hold the login database, didn't want to over work the poor soul (instead hiring a helper), and a paranoia for security. Fear that people on the forums will spill trade secrets.

    Erm ... Yes! 閳ユ枀鐘?definitely!

    ficholasnorneris wrote:

    Ah, so there was at least some reasoning behind the short time, albeit poor reasoning.

    Well said.

    Spamming in the Lions Den eh?

    ficholasnorneris wrote:

    Well then.

    I'd say knowing I wasn't the only one was more comforting, but it isn't. Crap is still crap.

    Every time I close Firefox I am forced to login again even if I restart Firefox immediately.

    This is?worse than what it was a few weeks ago.

    Can the Jive people fix nothing?

    I think I found the problem and it wasn't Jive.

    If you have Firefox set to ''Private Browsing'', you will have the problem described in my previous post.

    Heh, people seem to complain about problems with that browser a lot.

    Anyway, it's still a problem and it's not browser specific, maybe not as bad as that but we shouldn't have to login every **** day.?Obviously Adobe cares very much about this major flaw...

    That's great Jive, I had to do an update/edit on that post twice before it took effect, and I even did a page reload after the first edit just to make sure it wasn't an old cached page.?Rubbish forum.

    Can I save an CS4 indd that can be open...

    Hi, Every One;

    I Created a book using PC / ID CS4, but my client has only CS2 on her Mac. Now my client request me to sent a indd file that she can check the layout on her CS2.

    I had sent her a PDF file before and she still ask for a indd file, because she want to see the settings (paper size, margins etc.)

    I understand that usually you can not open an CS4 doc on CS2. If any one can teach me a way to save a copy that can fullfill my client's request, I would be very happy. Thanks!

    Can I save an CS4 indd that can be open...

    Forget it. Send a PDF.

    While there is hack to the INX format that will allow CS2 to open it, the entire layout is likely to reflow rather significantly.

    You can check out this: if you want to risk it.


  • beauty tips
  • Link to forward web address

    1. I want users to have the option to click a link or button on my website, which will then open the users email and allow the user to forward my web address to someone else without them having to manually copy and paste my web address into their email? How would I do this?


    Link to forward web address

    For Social Bookmarks, try this.

    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design %26amp; Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media?Specialists

    Link to forward web address

    There is no reliable way to do this using the visitors email client. The majority of users these days use webmail clients which are typically not configured correctly to have content added via a web link. The best way to do this is via server side scripting. Just search for the web for 'tell a friend script' and you'll find plenty of examples.

    I agree with bregent that invoking the user's email client is NOT something you want to do. It's really amazing how many people do not have an email client set up on their own computer.

    I'm not familiar with the service nancy suggested.

    What you can do is invoke the email client on your webserver using PHP and a simple html form. If you look at my post to the form question ''CSS form help'' you will see code that could easily be modified to serve your purpose. A weakness to this is that the sender could use your system to anonymously send email to someone else--unless you first validate his/her email address.

    Hey thanks everyone. I found this script but I need to modify it slightly. I need to:

    1. Change the color for the font (when it is published the font is black I need it white) How would I do this?

    2. I need to change the published font from a ''Serif'' font to a ''Sans Serif'' font. How would I do this?

    3. Currently the text in the text box is left justified. How would I change the type in the text box so it is ''centered''.

    Really appreciate it if someone could help me make these changes.


    %26lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE=''JavaScript''%26gt;
    %26lt;!-- Begin

    //Script by Tr姘搉n:
    //Submitted to JavaScript Kit (
    //Visit for this script

    var initialsubj=''Hay buddy, take a look at this''
    var initialmsg=''Hi:\n You may want to check out this site: ''+window.location
    var good;
    function checkEmailAddress(field) {

    var goodEmail = field.value.match(/\b(^(\S+@).+((\.com)|(\.net)|(\.edu)|(\.mil)|(\.gov)|(\.org) |(\.info)|(\.sex)|(\.biz)|(\.aero)|(\.coop)|(\.museum)|(\.name)|(\.pro)|(\..{2,2 }))$)\b/gi);
    if (goodEmail) {
    good = true;
    else {
    alert('Please enter a valid address.');
    good = false;
    u = window.location;
    function mailThisUrl() {
    good = false
    if (good) {

    //window.location = ''mailto:''''?subject=''+initialsubj+''%26amp;body=''+documen t.title+'' ''+u;
    window.location = ''mailto:''''?subject=''+initialsubj+''%26amp;body=''+initial msg
    //?End --%26gt;

    %26lt;form name=''eMailer''%26gt;
    Tell a friend:
    %26lt;input type=''text'' name=''email'' size=''26'' value='' Enter Address Here'' onFocus=''this.value='''' onMouseOver=''window.status='Enter email address here and tell a friend about this site...'; return true'' onMouseOut=''window.status='';return true''%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''button'' value=''Send this URL'' onMouseOver=''window.status='Click to send an email (with this page address) to a friend! Enter email address above...'; return true'' onMouseOut=''window.status='';return true'' onClick=''mailThisUrl();''%26gt;

    ActionScript not working


    If i test movie in Flash CS4 actionscript not working

    compiler not working

    animation and graphic working

    i uninstall flash CS4 and use CS4InstallerDatabaseUtility.exe

    install again and still the same

    if file is save to C:\ actionscript working

    if is other partition not working

    several days earlier i use Combo-Fix program to delete a virus in my computer

    could this programme something cause like this


  • beauty tips
  • Not able to set up remote CF9 Beta...


    I followed the instructions at:

    and CFB will still not communicate with the remote server.

    I have been able to set up a local CF9 beta server with no issues.

    Here are the details:


    CF9 beta (downloaded on 7/19/2009)

    RDS enabled

    Running Windows 2003 64 bit


    Mac OS/X

    CFB Beta (downloaded on 7/19/2009)

    Set up details: I followed the instructions to the letter from

    The status of the remote server is ''unknown''.

    I have the Admin service running (port 2910).?There are no errors or security issues reported.

    Any ideas?

    Not able to set up remote CF9 Beta...

    Can you send us the screenshot of your server details(both the screens).

    Meanwhile I will try to replicate the setup here.


    Not able to set up remote CF9 Beta...

    Try this, delete your server settings.?Then add a new server with the correct info.?There seems to be a server settings cache issue in Coldfusion Builder which will not use your edits.?I got this tip from Bhakti Pingale, and that was exactly the issue I had.?I also gave the 'Server Name' field a different value the second time; just in case if it would use my old settings.

    PDF to Word

    An application we are going to develop had a requirement to allow users to interact with MS word files. We have adobe livecycle product that we plan to use to generate pdf's. Is there a programmatic way to convert the generated pdf to word format?

    Thanks much

    PDF to Word

    Yes, LiveCycle PDF Generator ES has an opertion called ExportPDF2 which allow you to convert from PDF to other formats (including DOC)

    PDF to Word

    Thanks much for your reply. Can you help point me to that api? I did go through?quite a few online api docs but was not able to locate any reference to this. ivecycle/generatepdf/client/GeneratePdfServiceClient.html#exportPDF2()

    Thanks Hodmi. That answers my question as I stated it earlier. It appears that we will be installing livecycle on solaris. Does the ExportPDF2 api work with openoffice to convert to MS word format? Does a solaris install limit the conversion capability?

    thanks much !!!

    I'm not 100% sure, but I don't believe that the ExportPDF2 operations use the native applications for conversion (it does use them to convert from the native application to PDF, however).?In any case Adobe does support the use of OpenOffice on Unix platforms.

    To Voyage Funny:

    Adobe's PDF Generator is designed for converting large numbers of files (thus the server side scalability, high availability, etc.).?Besides that, I don't think Adobe would appreciate advertising clone software on their forums.

    Here are a few clarifications. Hodmi is right that the ExportPDF2() method (or the ExportPDF2 operation) can convert PDF to Doc, but it is supported only when LiveCycle is installed on Windows. This method uses Acrobat to perform the conversion. It doesn't use Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.

    Template question - repeating fields

    Is there a way to generate a template that will produce a second page with identical fields to the first one.?IE we have certain fields on the first page that serve as a header.?Instead of copying the text to the new fields is there a way to lock the field name in place so that when a new page is generated the fields will mirror whats on the original page.

    Template question - repeating fields

    Look in the reference file.

    The Template object has exactly one method: spawn(), which does exactly this.

    Template question - repeating fields

    Users with Reader do not have access to the templates object and its methods.


    Is there a way to use the spawn method and have it rename only certain fields when the second page is created?

    No, but you can do it manually.

    Thanks im still kinda new?at javascript.?Im guessing it would look something like this: = ''text11'' + ''.'' + pagenum

    Is that right? and how would i specify to rename the new text11 field?

    Thanks for your help.

    The name property of a field is Read Only and can only be set at creation.

    You will need to manually duplicate the entire field on the new page, and

    then set the name to whatever it is you want.


    Could you point me to where i could find out more about that??I tried the duplicate feature from Forms%26gt;Edit Fields%26gt;Duplicate and it copied the field exactly name included.

    Still new to javascript, so mostly guessing and patching together using knowledge of vb and c++.

    Thanks for your help.

    Error message: could not save because...

    I have Photoshop Elements 6 on PC with Windows XP Home. I have been resizing and changinf resolution on several of my pictures getting ready to have canvas's and other prints done. All has been fine until today. Now every time I resize an image and try to save, I get the error message: ''could not save as C:\_\_venice 110-adj because of program error''. I have rebooted machine but get same error. I've never had this problem before. I am resizing to same image size as several others I've done and saved with no problem.

    Any and all help would be appreciated.

    Image field in form (on a Mac).

    I'm going down quite the rabbit hole here trying to find what I thought would be an easy answer to a simple question...

    I have a form and I'd like to be able to give the end user the option of importing their own graphics at the bottom. Apparently I could do this with LiveCycle if I were using a PC, which I am not. Any suggestions? I'm using Acrobat 8 Professional, and it's possible that my end users will also be using Professional, as well as Reader. I'd rather have the Reader-friendly solution, but any information would be helpful right now.



    Image field in form (on a Mac).

    Look into using a button into which the user would put an icon.

    Looks like this would require a full install of Acrobat.

    Image field in form (on a Mac).

    This image-in-a-button thing is very clumsy and doesn't seem to exactly work for me either. I mean, unless the end-user is essentially re-creating the form, which is not a good solution in my case, as I'm not going to have the opportunity to give every user a tutorial on how to create buttons in Acrobat.

    Flash Builder 4 (Linux)

    Is there a planned Linux version of Flash Builder? I've been using the FB3 alpha release for a long time now, and I'm hoping that FB4 will be released for Linux. I'm sure there are many out there who are more than willing to pay for it.

    Flash Builder for Linux would be one more step toward making it possible to easily develop Flash Platform applications on any operating system. I know it's possible to do this via the Flex SDK, but IDE support speeds development time by a LOT.

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    Workflow for duplicating comps in...


    I have a pretty massive animation project ahead of me and I'm asking for your advice on managing all my comps and project assets.

    So far I have created the core animation that I'm going to use and the client approved it. It turned out to be a really complex one containing precomps in many ''generations'' (precomps inside precomps). The next thing I need to do is to make around 20 copies of the animation with different titles and other tweaks in each. Basically it's the same animation but the texts and a few other things change.

    At this stage I have two options:

    1. I could save each title design in an own AE-project. This way I could just replace the texts and then save the project with a new file name. Then in the end I would load all the 20 AE-projects in to a final render project and render them out all at the same time. There are some negative sides with this approach: The final render project would contain unnecessary duplicate files and also I would need to make changes to each project file individually if the client wanted to change something in the last minute (and they always do).

    2. I could create a folder in my project panel that has title number 001 in it with all the necessary assets. Then I would duplicate that folder and name the new folder title number 002, make the changes to it and duplicate that folder and name it title number 003 etc.. This way I would always have all my titles in this same project which would make it easier to change things.

    Now after this long introduction (sorry) I'm finally arriving at the question:

    If I choose option 2, how do I make the comps that need changing ''independent''? At the moment when I change a setting in a comp in folder number 001, the changes reflect to folder 002 too -it seems that the comps are not actually independent duplicates at all but refer to the same comp. I arrived at the conclusion that renaming a comp with a new name makes it behave independently, but the problem is that the precomps inside it still link to the original folder.

    I'm trying to figure out if I have to rename every single precomp inside a precomp everytime I duplicate the main folder. Or is there an easier way to make sure that the comps behave like individual ones?

    Any help will be appreciated!

    Workflow for duplicating comps in...

    I'm thinking #1 would be easier in your case.?If your titles are buried in precomps, yes, you'd have to duplicate and replace the precomps.?Otherwise, your old project would update with the new titles...

    Import all your titles.?Select title in project window, select title in timeline, alt drag from project window to timeline layer to replace.?Save as new name, repeat.

    If I knew they would change the animation, I'd do it as #2, and build it so I could adjust animation and have it carry thru to all the titles via expressions.

    Workflow for duplicating comps in...


    Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it!

    Andy Bay wrote:

    Or is there an easier way to make sure that the comps behave like individual ones?


    You could always split them into sep projects, then when you're done import them all into one project and reduce/consolidate, etc? This would keep everything in the same place, but not have duplicate assets everywhere when you archive it?

    Thanks for helping out!

    I think you are right, it is simpler in this situation to make multiple project files instead of comps in a single project. Let's just hope the client doesn't want any more changes!

    Clients ALWAYS want more changes!

    Install of FlashPlayer 10 in Internet...

    I recently tried to upgrade FlashPlayer. That process hang. I tried several times. Eventually I de-installed FlashPlayer via ControlPanel =%26gt; Add/Remove Programs (which surprisingly was a matter of a few seconds in contrast to the usual deinstallation ''are you sure?'' etc.).

    But Re-installation does not work either. When I click the ''Agree and install now'' button on page to install the latest version I get the expected popup asking whether I want to install ''Adobe DLM''. I click on Install and then the process including IE8 hangs.

    I have FlashPlayer properly running in my other installed browser (Google Chrome 2.0, Firefox 3.0 and Safari 4.0 - I am a SW developer, which is why I need all these browsers for occasional compatibility testing and I need to get Flash also working in IE8, too.

    What file/directory/registry-entry do I need to fix or remove to get this properly re-installed in IE8?

    This is on WinXP (SP3+).


    Install of FlashPlayer 10 in Internet...

    I am beginning to assume, that the actual problem is not with the installation but with that initial pre-installation dialog. Even if I click ''Do NOT install'' the dialog does not go away and the browser hangs... Really weird!


    Install of FlashPlayer 10 in Internet...

    Michael, can you open a web support case and post back a case number??I have some steps you can try using a beta version of Charles that might give us some clues, but I can't post them publicly at this time., follow the links to open a case.

    Hi, before I opened the support case I had a look at the referenced link and went through some of the actions described there, specifically those at

    My IE permissions were set accordingly already. So I then suspected that registry permission problem described there, but the procedure using SubInACL didn't fix anything. As last step in that section I found the paragraph titled ''If the ActiveX Control for Flash Player fails to install, download the executable installer.''.

    So I downloaded and unzipped the local installer obtained from:

    And THAT finally did the trick! Flash is now also running in my IE8.

    Frankly, I don't quite understand, why Adobe isn't offering that alternative installation method right on the FlashPlayer's download page. Many people prefer to run installers from downloaded files anyway rather than directly executing code from within a browser. That at least that allows for some prior virus checking, etc.

    Cheers and thanks,


    Well it's good that you worked around it, though I was hoping to find out if there was a problem with the Download Manager.

    ''why Adobe isn't offering that alternative installation method right on the FlashPlayer's download page''

    On our side there's a lot more to it than just getting you the download and install. There's back end download/install stats to track (that we cannot get just from the exe install) and offers such as the Google toolbar.

    Hi mmo18,

    I am using the latest flashplayer 10 on my IE8 and so far I have not come across such problems. For your info, im using it on windows vista sp2. I guess here is that your XP sp3 is not compatible with the latest flashplayer. Also, my other pc which is using IE8 and XP2 is working just fine here.


    Loss Fat Diet


    '' your XP sp3 is not compatible with the latest flashplayer.''

    This is absolutely not true. Flash Player 10 is compatible with all versions of XP.?You have to go back to Win 98 before you're required to use Flash Player 9.

    The previous poster's issue was specific to his machine (doesn't look like a general issue with IE8). He found a way around it, so we won't be able to determine what actually caused it.

    @BWolfe: ''On our side there's a lot more to it than just getting you the download and install. There's back end download/install stats to track (that we cannot get just from the exe install) and offers such as the Google toolbar.''

    I understand that, but I guess for most of these even a local installer could cater for. For the stats the installer could ''phone home'' and the ''goodies'' (which I almost always unselect anyway) could be packaged with it. And since I tried to install that beast from the website at least 10 times, your stats are runined anyway... :-)

    At least finding the local installer should be made simpler! I was actually looking for that option before (because I assumed exactly such an issue) and couldn't find it.


    Alas, this story continues: today I again came accross a webpage that didn't work.

    So I went to the Adobe Test page ( and, while ShockWave works fine, the FlashPlayer section reads:

    ''You need the latest Flash Player and JavaScript enabled to view this content.''

    Of course I have both installed and enabled. What could cause this, that FlashPlayer seems again and again disabled??? I ran the installer again - no change. I ran the de- and then the installer - again no change. This is getting on my nerves!


    BWolfe [ADOBE] wrote:

    Michael, can you open a web support case and post back a case number? ..., follow the links to open a case.

    In the upper right the first link is ''Contact Support''.

    Before you to that, please download the Flash Player update that came out yesterday and retest.

    I'm having a similar issue here. It's a clean install of XP. All updates from Microsoft are in place, all IE8 setings at default, but the hang seems to happen whnever I go to I'm entering this from a different computer, and will be making a support case. Stay tuned.

    Case #0181196663

    changing screen color

    Good afternoon.?I am trying to modify a project that was done by someone else under Captivate 2.0.?I am trying to make the modifications under Captivate 3.0.?I tried changing the color of the screens by clicking on ''custom'' and choosing a different color, but it's not working.?The screen is not locked, so I am not sure what the problem is.?Can someone help?

    Thank you.


    changing screen color

    Hi there

    If you right-click any of the slides where the color is refusing to change and examine properties, what do you see when you click the Change Background Image button?

    If there is a background image present you will not see the screen color because the image obscures it.

    Cheers... Rick

    Helpful and Handy Links

    • Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    • Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    • SorcerStone Blog
    • Captivate eBooks
    changing screen color

    Thank you Rick, I'll check it out.?I appreciate the help.


    Changing bit depth of RAW file?

    My client asked me to upload some images onto their FTP server, but it didn't work. They asked if my RAW files were perhaps 16 or 24 bits, as their system only allowed 8 bit files.

    I use Lightroom 2. The opening screen says 64 bit, when I export files to Photoshop I use 16 bit (only other option is 8 bit). However, I can not export a RAW file as an 8 bit. Any ideas?

    Your help is greatly appreciated.


    Changing bit depth of RAW file?

    First, 64-bit refers to the Operating System and not the bit depth of the images.

    As for changing the bit-depth of the raw files, well, that's not possible.

    Changing bit depth of RAW file?

    You might want to create an Export Template for JPEGs (which can only be 8 bit), at whatever pixel dimensions your client wishes. If they need TIFFs, also create a Template for those, choosing 8 bit.

    Activation of imbedded files in Acrobat...

    I created a pdf-file from a word document which contains objects like pdf-files, word documents (*.doc) and powerpoint presentations (*.ppt). In Word the embedded files are opened and can be handled whereas?in the pdf-version of my word document nothing happens. What is to be done to open and handle the embedded files in the pdf-version?


    Dr. Werner Schwarz

    Activation of imbedded files in Acrobat...

    You need to embed the pdf, word and powerpoint files in the pdf file manually.

    Activation of imbedded files in Acrobat...

    Dear Mr. Kazlow,

    thanks for your answer. But there results another question. Does the manual procedure mean that I have toi insert or embed each file '' from the beginning''? Or can you explain how the manual procdure has to be done?

    This would be very helpfully for me.

    Thanks in advance

    Werner Schwarz

    am Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009 um 01:38 schrieben Sie:

    You need to embed the pdf, word and powerpoint files in the pdf file manually.

  • beauty tips
  • NPAPI Cocoa event model


    Would anyone know when we can expect to see the cocoa event model support in Flash player on Mac?


    NPAPI Cocoa event model

    I don't know that this is a question we're going to be able to answer here on the forum. Why, specifically, are you interested?

    NPAPI Cocoa event model

    Flash doesn't expose any platform API details - that is all abstracted in the SWF/Actionscript.

    So, the underlying event model should make no difference.

    Pardon me, maybe I am asking the question in the wrong forum. I am askign this question not with respect to any actionscript code, but for the player interaction itself. I was hoping that some Adobe contact might be able to provide an answer to this question.

    Would you know which would be the correct place to get answer to this question.

    No, this is the correct forum, but we do not understand the question.?

    Let me rephrase...?we -do- understand the question, but we do not usually make the internal APIs of Flash Player available to the public.?Flash Player functionality is only exposed through the published Actionscript API's available in Flash/Flex/AIR and our other tools.

    So in order to help you, we need more detail about why you need to know about the internal functionality.

    I use the flash player on Mac like a browser and I am facing some issues in carbon events (NPAPI model) since they need to have the global position of the mouse instead of being relative of the view (/window). Hence in my work it will be helpful when Flash player moves to the Cocoa event model, as discussed in NPAPI future forums. Based on the information of when flash player with this model will be available, I can schedule my work




    Thanks for the information.

    And that is exactly what I needed to know to answer the question. Unfortunately the answer is that I?cannot give you this information.

    Simply put, Flash Player engineering only supports the use of Flash Player plugin inside a supported browser, as listed in the system requirements at

    My team cannot advise on any use of the plugin as a standalone, which is what I believe you're doing (please correct me if I'm mistaken).

    Now, if you can recreate your spatial/event issues inside a browser then you can open a support web case (or a phone case if you have Flash or Flex) and we can proceed from that angle.

    The other thing you can _try_ is filling a public player bug and submitting your application.?I cannot guarantee the bug will be reviewed, but if you can get your bug enough votes it might be reviewed.?See this article for details on how to file:

    A third angle, depending on how you're creating your app, is the SWF format page/forums/newsgroups. See here:> (I'm not sure that's applicable, but it's worth a try).

    Thanks for the information and suggestions. Guess will have to wait till it is actually released.



    Insert Table is disabled

    Coworkers are using Designer ES 8.2 and they keep on telling me that the Insert Table is disabled.?They have uninstalled and reinstalled.?They tell me it works twice and then it becomes disabled from then on.?Anyone else experience this?

    blinking reload

    Hi, I have this funky reload script to pull fresh data from a mysql database connector.

    Some people mentioned using a push command but I have no idea how to implement that. If anyone could take a look that would be great!


    %26lt;?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8''?%26gt;

    %26lt;mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=''''layout=''absolute'' width=''1920'' height=''1080''

    creationComplete=''dbTimer()'' borderColor=''#797979'' backgroundGradientAlphas=''[1.0, 1.0]'' backgroundGradientColors=''[#636363, #9A9A9A]'' color=''#F3F3F3''%26gt;



    import mx.controls.Text;

    import mx.controls.Label;

    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;



    private var omArray:ArrayCollection

    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void


    omArray =;


    import flash.utils.Timer


    import flash.display.Sprite

    private function dbTimer():void



    var mTimer:Timer=new Timer(1000,10)




    private function Comple(e:TimerEvent):void







    blinking reload

    I'm not at work right now, so I hope this isn't a pressing matter, but maybe I will dig this post up to the top for other people to help you.?I'll be of more assistance once I get to work tomorrow, but just wanted to mention a styling thing:

    It's widely accepted to import everything at the top of your script.?This makes code more readable, and can help with organization.?However, your way is certainly acceptable as well.

    I'll answer your question (hopefully) later tomorrow.

    blinking reload


    I can rearrange those import commands no problem.

    CF slows down to a halt ... images not...

    My primary laptop on which I do all coding ...

    - less than 1 year old

    - Dell (cough) XPS M1730

    - Windows XP (latest)

    - ColdFusion Ver 8, developer edition.

    - No other issues with laptop

    Also running

    - SQL 2000

    - Synergy

    - Anti virus etc. changed Norton daily scan and unaware that I have picked up any viruses - I was my hands very well and often

    Over 6 months gradually CF has been slowly not display internal referenced %26lt;img src%26gt; tags.?External work fine.

    To the point now where most in our app do not display.

    Then in the past 3-4 days a lot of pages when called give Firefox or IE errors:

    Page will not display with too may users error.

    But there aren't any others.

    I go to all other web site, no issues with speed.

    I just cold warm booted the machine and now while page 1 appears, page 2, login, takes minutes to appear.?But on a beta server (also developer edition) it's instant.

    When I go straight into the browser, it works fine, albeit no images, crashes with a known bug (missing application variable), fix it, then resume, then just sits there forever.

    And there's no difference between the two machines ... well, not in ''that'' way.

    Adding to my confusion is ... I cannot get into the CF Admin panel.

    I can see it approve me, then it just spins.

    Nothing has changed on machine in past weeks EXCEPT traveling when I sign in to the usual plethora of wifi and other networks but never had a problem - except luggability

    I am thinking of, UGH, reinstalling Windows ... but why bother if it's working perfectly and only ColdFusion has an issue.

    Now COLD booted machine for 5 minutes.

    Everything seems better except CF still a BIT sluggish and still not ''drawing'' most images.?Able to access Admin panel.?Even if there images not displaying.

    Anyone any ideas?

    CF slows down to a halt ... images not...

    Search the ColdFusion directories for any that contain more files then you might expect.

    We had a similar issue with a CF8 server serveral months ago.?One day, just exploring the CF install directories, I stumbled on one that and thousands and thousands of files in it.?Windows couldn't even tell me how many there where, it would crash trying to count the files in that directory.?I deleted all these files and it litterally took a few hours to do so.?Afterwords ColdFusion's performance returned.

    This seemed to be some directory used for temporary storage of files created on the fly, but during some development processes they where not getting properly cleaned up aftewords.?If I recall correctly, these where files related to on-the-fly generated PDF files with %26lt;cfreport...%26gt; tags, which we where experiementing with heavily at the time.



    CF slows down to a halt ... images not...

    Thanks for your prompt reply ...

    We scoured for a folder like that and found none.

    What we DID find is that over the years of coding, we have a template count of 3,500 files in 130 folders, but the root where we start is about 1,500 files. 144 megs total size though.

    That shouldn't be too much??Esp as our beta and production servers are using the same amount with no issues.

    Admittedly production is CF 7.X.

    Much more powerful machines but still.

    It would have made sense as that is the only thing on the machine that has ''grown'' ... but no luck.

    Does remind me of the day when our mail server got hacked and we had 100,000 outbound in the spool.?That was fun.: :)

    Revert to Artwork .. is that an bug?

    Hello so here comes my secound question. After i played arround a bit I revert a Datalist to Artwork again. (I did it twice) When i wanted to compile i got an error message:

    Missing Parts

    - DataList1

    - DataList2

    In my library i can still see those 2 lists but how can i delete them? and avoide this error message?

    Thx again in advance.

    Regarts Nicolas

    Revert to Artwork .. is that an bug?

    Hi Nick,

    Check out this thread:


    Revert to Artwork .. is that an bug?

    Thanks Adam I didnt find that post before. Problem solved

  • beauty tips
  • Scale-9-Grid availible?

    Hello its just me again. After I got such an quick and nice solving answer for my question I just have the next 2.

    1. Can i set a Scale-9-Grid in FC? And when yes where?

    Scale-9-Grid availible?

    I apologize you didn't get a quick answer to this question! :-)

    Catalyst currently does not support scale 9.

    In general, Catalyst 1.0 does not have strong support for designing resizable layouts. For example, the ability to constrain edges of objects to different locations is not exposed. I expect we will add this in the future.

    For now you will need to take your fxp files over to Flash Builder to add this functionality


    Scale-9-Grid availible?

    thx a lot for ur answer.

    photoshop element 7

    My Wife and i have made xmas tree ornament for my Grandaughter since she was born.

    I used to be able to size photos to fit a triangle.with trimming photo to fit the template to make the ornament.

    The hp photosmart c 4180 all in one and the hp software that came with it will not resize to our needs.

    I don't want to purchase anything with out knowing it will work.The printer that i was able to accomplish this

    was an hp deskjet 932c printer,and the scanner was an hp scanjet 3300c.The software that came with it was adobe,and it worked great.

    I have an hp pavillion slimline s7700e,the operating system is vista home premium.Thanks for any advice.


    photoshop element 7

    I presume you are asking if Photoshop Elements will do the job. The answer is yes but you need to direct further questions to the Elements forum.

    Question about text entry

    I have an drawing format that always need to have certain fields filled in on each drawing.?Is it possible to create a pop up of some type to fill in these fields??Any other ideas are welcome.

    Question about text entry

    Make the text into simples or make the text box into a symbol.

    No need to fill them in one at a time. The text is editable and updatable as well. For instance say there is a permanent change to the name of the firm and you want that reflected on all previous current and future documents just update the symbol as long as it is part of a library all the documents on
    you computer will update when you open them.

    Question about text entry

    I'm not sure what a simple is.?I am a novice user when it comes to AI. Here is an example of my title block.

    I am using CS2 .?Is the text editable in a symbol?


    You might try looking here

    I am a little confused you want a drop down but nothing on that block looks like it is a constant input it al looks like it changes.

    Text in a symbols is editable two ways you can one so all the symbols update two if you break the link the instances is now independently editable.

    So if you are updating to a new project then you place an instance then break the link to the symbols make changes to the constants for that projects and turn that into a symbol. then you place a instance break the link and input the variable content.

    You can also use variables to do something similar.

    I don't want a drop down per say. I just want to edit the text in the title block in one place instead of having to click in each text box. Each title block will contain different text.

    xml query the database breeze Please...

    My name is Leandro, we are using adobe connect meeting pro version: connect_701_r18,

    good enough for inrrola鑾借尗o going to my problem,

    I wanted to know how do I make a query I get: name of the room, beginning of the meeting, end of meeting, number of users connected to each meeting, that it has already helped quite original.

    remembering that in the xml it after the ''SCO-id'' and I need the actual name of the room or I need the actual name of the room that is the native name and not the ID. how do you find in the bank? in which this table? I only use the ''meeting''.

    any doubts about my post send me e-mail: leandro.ald @
    I'm in brazil

    Expanding textfields

    I have attached an example.

    What I am trying to achieve is a form that flows with a nice and neat format even onto the second page, when multiple line are typed in the text field.

    Is there a way to get clean breaks between textfields. For example if multiple lines are typed in each textfield (date/time/location, Subject, Host/Org.....etc.) and textfields flow to the next page, is there a way for the text fields at the bottom of the page to break so that the second page will look as neat as the first page (some of the text fields are running into the bottom margin).


    Expanding textfields

    Make your Content Area on the Master Page smaller so it fit son top of the rectangle. The Content Area is the space where the form is allowed to flow. By having it over top of your footer you are allowing an overwrite condition.


    Expanding textfields

    Works like a charm!



    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

    Caveats: NONE

    Good morning,

    I am not able to access your attachment, can you send it via email.



  • beauty tips
  • Quiz nav btns??

    I have build a quiz and when I review the answers after completing the quiz it goes to slide 1 and tells me I have answered correctly but there is no way to go to slide two. Any suggestions?


    Rich Gilman

    Quiz nav btns??

    Hi Rich

    That's what the Next button is intended for. Have you ensured it is enabled?

    Edit %26gt; Preferences %26gt; Quiz %26gt; Settings.

    Cheers... Rick

    Helpful and Handy Links

    • Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    • Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    • SorcerStone Blog
    • Captivate eBooks
    Quiz nav btns??


    Tx...I have that box checkmarked but no ''next'' btn shows.


    Hi again

    And when you edit the question slide by clicking the Edit Question button...

    Is the Skip option enabled on the Options tab?

    Cheers... Rick

    Helpful and Handy Links

    • Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    • Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    • SorcerStone Blog
    • Captivate eBooks

    Here is the published file. The correct answers have a period in front.

    Ok..I did enable the skip button and it does show up on my slides but:

    1. I don't want it to show on my question slides (no questions should be skipped)

    2. It should say ''Next'' rather than ''Skip'' on the review slides.

    Does this make sense?

    Hello again

    When you edit the Preferences, look at the area labeled Default Labels.

    In this area you may configure how the button reads.

    Note that the button is all or nothing. In other words, you cannot suppress it when initially asking the question. The purpose is for the review. But the user is able to click it during the time of initially answering.

    You may wish to consider submitting a Wish Form to ask for the ability to present it only when reviewing.

    Cheers... Rick

    Helpful and Handy Links

    • Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    • Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    • SorcerStone Blog
    • Captivate eBooks


    Thank you so much. Know that you are an amazing asset here on the forum. I hope you are being compensated somehow.

    I am so frustrated with trying to use Captivate with its limitations I am looking elsewhere for a more flexible app. Right now I am looking at Articulate Quizemaker. Do you have a opinion on this app or suggestions for another one?

    Again...Thank you so much for your time.

    Rich Gilman

    Hi Rich

    Thanks for the kudos. Adobe is good to us helpers. I'm just one of several they have.

    Sorry, but Captivate is the only real eLearning product I know. I do use Techsmith Camtasia Studio as well, but I don't really consider it a competitor. More of just another tool that does full motion fabulously well.

    Sorry you are frustrated with Captivate. I really like using it and sure, like any other software it will drive you nuts sometimes.

    The key is to report things via the Bug Report or Wish Form. That way any issues are logged. If you are having problems sorting something, development maybe needs to look at the workflow and consider it's not as intuitive as it needs to be.

    Cheers... Rick

    Helpful and Handy Links

    • Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    • Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    • SorcerStone Blog
    • Captivate eBooks

    I use ''Forward'' and ''Back'' buttons for reviewing a quiz. If you set your quiz preferences to ''Answer All'', the ''Forward'' (Skip) button doesn't work when the quiz is initially taken. Only the ''Submit'' button will move the user to the next slide. I'm not sure if this is what you need, but it works for me. The ''Back'' button works, but the users can't change their answers.

    I have had this same problem and this is exactly what I needed to do. Thanks so much!

    Just a recap if anyone else is having this problem. If you want to enable a ''Next'' or ''Skip'' button for the review portion of your quiz but don't want that button to be usable while the user is actually taking the quiz, you need 1) show the skip button on all your question slides, and 2) as 123Baxter said, in the ''Settings'' tab of the Quiz Preferences, under the ''Required'' heading choose ''Answer All - the user must answer every question to continue'' This makes it so the skip button appears but does not work during the quiz, but will indeed go to the next slide when a user is reviewing their quiz.


    An ''drawn'' animation converted to as3...

    For instance, if I draw a blue rectangle in frame, is there any way I can convert that into a sequence of code, or somehow generate the code in AS3 that draws that rectangle?

    An ''drawn'' animation converted to as3...

    If you mean via the flash authoring interface, then not automatically.

    You could more easily do it in the player, by capturing mouse event driven drawing commands etc for replaying. There was an old extension that I had at one point called sel2draw which was a basic converter for converting flash authoring tool vectors into actionscript (as2). It was pretty basic in terms of what it generated and didn't create animated drawings.

    Customizing FM9's toolbars

    A blog was posted by Amit Agarwal of FM's engineering team on how one can customize the new FM9 toolbars. Cool stuff that isn't documented in the FM9 supplied material. See:

    Login every time?

    I come to these forums every once and awhile, and EVERY TIME I have to login and type my password. Seriously? I don't think it's a huge security risk to just leave it signed in, or at least let Firefox autofill the password.

    Scroll to Forums.

    Click Photoshop Forum.

    Oh that's right, I'm not logged in, even though I was just here yesterday.


    Type password. Again.

    Scroll to forums.

    Click Photoshop forum.

    Forget what I came here to lookup in the first place.

    Login every time?

    Known issue, sucks badly, everyone hates it, supposedly being fixed on but no news about it at all that I've seen...

    Login every time?

    You'll be lucky if you don't get logged out while posting and lose your post. It's been complained about long and loud since before the new forums went live.

    Well then.

    I'd say knowing I wasn't the only one was more comforting, but it isn't. Crap is still crap.

    %26gt;Crap is still crap

    Yes... but this is, according to what I've read, not part of the general crapiness of these forums

    The ID and PW you use to login here is the same one used at the Adobe store (I think this was a BAD decision) so Adobe has had the forums set to a short cookie period for security

    Ah, so there was at least some reasoning behind the short time, albeit poor reasoning.

    Save some buck by lot deploying another blad server to hold the login database, didn't want to over work the poor soul (instead hiring a helper), and a paranoia for security. Fear that people on the forums will spill trade secrets.

    Erm ... Yes! 閳ユ枀鐘?definitely!

    ficholasnorneris wrote:

    Ah, so there was at least some reasoning behind the short time, albeit poor reasoning.

    Well said.

    Spamming in the Lions Den eh?

    ficholasnorneris wrote:

    Well then.

    I'd say knowing I wasn't the only one was more comforting, but it isn't. Crap is still crap.

    Every time I close Firefox I am forced to login again even if I restart Firefox immediately.

    This is?worse than what it was a few weeks ago.

    Can the Jive people fix nothing?

    I think I found the problem and it wasn't Jive.

    If you have Firefox set to ''Private Browsing'', you will have the problem described in my previous post.

    Heh, people seem to complain about problems with that browser a lot.

    Anyway, it's still a problem and it's not browser specific, maybe not as bad as that but we shouldn't have to login every **** day.?Obviously Adobe cares very much about this major flaw...

    That's great Jive, I had to do an update/edit on that post twice before it took effect, and I even did a page reload after the first edit just to make sure it wasn't an old cached page.?Rubbish forum.

    Link to forward web address

    1. I want users to have the option to click a link or button on my website, which will then open the users email and allow the user to forward my web address to someone else without them having to manually copy and paste my web address into their email? How would I do this?


    Link to forward web address

    For Social Bookmarks, try this.

    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design %26amp; Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media?Specialists

    Link to forward web address

    There is no reliable way to do this using the visitors email client. The majority of users these days use webmail clients which are typically not configured correctly to have content added via a web link. The best way to do this is via server side scripting. Just search for the web for 'tell a friend script' and you'll find plenty of examples.

    I agree with bregent that invoking the user's email client is NOT something you want to do. It's really amazing how many people do not have an email client set up on their own computer.

    I'm not familiar with the service nancy suggested.

    What you can do is invoke the email client on your webserver using PHP and a simple html form. If you look at my post to the form question ''CSS form help'' you will see code that could easily be modified to serve your purpose. A weakness to this is that the sender could use your system to anonymously send email to someone else--unless you first validate his/her email address.

    Hey thanks everyone. I found this script but I need to modify it slightly. I need to:

    1. Change the color for the font (when it is published the font is black I need it white) How would I do this?

    2. I need to change the published font from a ''Serif'' font to a ''Sans Serif'' font. How would I do this?

    3. Currently the text in the text box is left justified. How would I change the type in the text box so it is ''centered''.

    Really appreciate it if someone could help me make these changes.


    %26lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE=''JavaScript''%26gt;
    %26lt;!-- Begin

    //Script by Tr姘搉n:
    //Submitted to JavaScript Kit (
    //Visit for this script

    var initialsubj=''Hay buddy, take a look at this''
    var initialmsg=''Hi:\n You may want to check out this site: ''+window.location
    var good;
    function checkEmailAddress(field) {

    var goodEmail = field.value.match(/\b(^(\S+@).+((\.com)|(\.net)|(\.edu)|(\.mil)|(\.gov)|(\.org) |(\.info)|(\.sex)|(\.biz)|(\.aero)|(\.coop)|(\.museum)|(\.name)|(\.pro)|(\..{2,2 }))$)\b/gi);
    if (goodEmail) {
    good = true;
    else {
    alert('Please enter a valid address.');
    good = false;
    u = window.location;
    function mailThisUrl() {
    good = false
    if (good) {

    //window.location = ''mailto:''''?subject=''+initialsubj+''%26amp;body=''+documen t.title+'' ''+u;
    window.location = ''mailto:''''?subject=''+initialsubj+''%26amp;body=''+initial msg
    //?End --%26gt;

    %26lt;form name=''eMailer''%26gt;
    Tell a friend:
    %26lt;input type=''text'' name=''email'' size=''26'' value='' Enter Address Here'' onFocus=''this.value='''' onMouseOver=''window.status='Enter email address here and tell a friend about this site...'; return true'' onMouseOut=''window.status='';return true''%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''button'' value=''Send this URL'' onMouseOver=''window.status='Click to send an email (with this page address) to a friend! Enter email address above...'; return true'' onMouseOut=''window.status='';return true'' onClick=''mailThisUrl();''%26gt;